Want to know How To Cut Your Grocery Bill In Half? Keep more cash in your wallet with these easy money saving tricks!
Then… be sure to check out these clever Ways to Save Money on Meat!

How To Cut Your Grocery Bill In Half and Still Eat Healthy
Food glorious food… we’re anxious to try it. Oh food magical food, wonderful food… marvelous food! Food may be one of our biggest monthly expenses, but it’s also a pretty fun part of every day, right? Well… would you love to learn How To Cut Your Grocery Bill In Half and still eat healthy?
That’s right ~ you can start saving more money… while still enjoying delicious food with these simple grocery money saving tips! Seriously, you’ve just hit the jackpot of easy tips and tricks!
Trust me… I know all about those creeping grocery bills. That’s right, I’ve got 2 hungry teenage boys and a hungry hubby to feed! Now to keep those tummies happy and those hangry moments at bay, a well-stocked pantry and delicious dinners seem to do the trick!
But just how do we do that on a budget? I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve, and I’m so excited to share my favorite tips for how to cut your grocery bill in half!
Now all you need to do is start dreaming about what you’ll do with all that extra money you’ve saved! Maybe stash some away for a fun Frugal Vacation? Yes, please! I’m sure you won’t have any trouble at all finding a use for your new found savings.
So… are you ready to learn how to get your grocery bill in half and still eat healthy? Let’s get started!
Here’s what you need to do…
Related: 20 Clever Ways to Save Money on Meat
#1: Set A Grocery Budget… Then Stick To It!
Each month, your budget can help you stay financially accountable to your savings goals. So create a detailed monthly budget that includes every expense (including groceries)… and stick to it! Trust me, your future self will thank you!!
With my personal budget, the grocery bill can be one of the biggest struggles. And let me tell you, the struggle is real! My family can blow through a lot of food… FAST! That’s why this is one area of my budget that regularly needs to be adjusted to reflect what I’m really spending. There’s what I wish I was spending, and then there’s reality. Are you with me?
So when I find that groceries are causing my budget to spiral out of control, it’s time to get serious about finding some new ways to cut food costs and spend less at every store. Read on for a jackpot of grocery money saving tips…
#2: Go Meatless One Day A Week, Like Meatless Mondays!
Have you ever heard of Meatless Monday? By skipping meat just one day a week, you can save up to $30 per month on your grocery bill.
When I shop for groceries, meat usually tops the list as the most expensive grocery item. For example, I pay $7.50 for a bag of frozen Chicken Tenderloins at my local Trader Joe’s. If I skip just one chicken dinner every week, I will save $30 a month!
Or… you can save even more if you plan multiple meatless meals every week!
Jane writes: “We are limiting beef to one meal a week.”
Want some easy Meatless Meals Recipes to get started? Check out these delicious ideas…
40 Meatless Meals to Save Money!
#3: Try 1 New Store Brand Item Each Week!
Sometimes name brand is just the way to go, but you’d be surprised at how much you might like those store brand alternatives! They sure can save a bundle, too! What I try to do is try one new store brand item each time I shop. I’ve found so many new generic items that have now become favorites! Things like Pumpkin, Evaporated Milk, Mayonnaise, Ranch, and the list goes on and on! Who knew?
So try it out this week… and add at least 1 new store brand item to your cart. You might just love it as good (or more) as the others. Just look at how much cheaper the store brand pizza sauce is here…
#4: Snatch up Dented Cans on Clearance
Swinging by the clearance rack is always a favorite stop of mine at the grocery store. I can’t tell you just how many bargains I’ve been able to score there! Whether it’s dented cans, a dented box, day old bakery items, a small tear in the plastic of a pack of napkins, or seasonal items… you can find some seriously sweet deals!
I’ve picked up mini pies for just 5 cents each (seriously… 5 cents), boxes of plastic spoons for 25 cents (we love these for road trips), name brand dented cans for 25 cents – 30 cents, big packs of napkins for 40 cents, and the list goes on.
Always take a minute to just swing by and have a fun little treasure hunt with that pile of random things! You may be surprised at what goodies you’ll find! And it’s just another easy trick for how to cut your grocery bill in half fast!
#5: Never Buy Hygiene Products At The Grocery Store!
Grocery stores are a great place to look for seasonal deals on produce and meat. They’re also a great place to stock up on loss leaders.
So what products do you want to skip buying at the grocery store? Hygiene Products! It’s likely you’ll find better pricing on your favorite hygiene products at your local big box Walmart or Target, or even Sam’s Club.
#6: Check the Bakery’s Clearance Rack…
Whether you’re looking for a deal on baked goods or delicious breads, make sure to swing by the Bakery’s clearance rack in your store. I always like to check and see if there is anything I can incorporate into my menu right away or freeze for later.
#7: Or Make Your Own Bread at Home!
The next time you’re at the grocery store, try skipping the bread altogether. It’s actually ridiculously easy to make your own bread at home, and it will save SO much money! Check out these recipes to get started…
Easy Homemade Bread Recipes
Homemade Hamburger Buns Recipe
#8: Consider Bartering for Food… for Real!
Another way to cut back on the grocery bill is to barter… seriously!
Wanda writes: “I babysit for some farmers in my daycare so what I do is trade childcare for meat and produce.”
#9: Change Up Your Eating & Drinking Habits! (like… Switch to Black Coffee)
Okay, okay… I know this one can be a bit challenging, but if you actually sit down and really think about what you eat and drink in a day… I bet there are some minor little changes you could make to save BIG!
For example, I love coffee. I mean really, really love it. Vanilla coffee creamer made my world go ’round, and I was paying $2.99 for each container. Between myself, my hubby, and one of our boys, we were probably using about 3 each week. (so about $9 per week)
One day, I thought… I’m going to try drinking my coffee black. My teenage son decided to go for it and switch to black coffee at the same time. My thoughts were… we could save a lot of money, and a lot of calories. 🙂 And guess what… day one was terrible. Day 2 was no better. I think day 3 got worse, but I kept going, and by week 2, I was completely fine and looked forward to my black coffee every day.
My hubby couldn’t go bring himself to go black, but he drastically reduced the amount of cream he was using. SO all in all we were saving over $25 each month from this one little switch. And as a bonus, I lost a ton of weight just from saying farewell to my creamer. Seriously! 🙂
That was a few years ago, and I don’t miss it all, so go on and see if you can make a little changes that will affect your grocery bill in a big way.
Easy Coffee Recipes to Try at Home
#10: Skip That Slow Deli Counter and Save a Bundle!
Did you know you can save up to $5.00 per pound when you skip the deli counter ham and get pre-sliced ham from the meat department instead? Now that’s a sweet deal!
An added bonus, when you skip the deli counter you’ll save 5 – 10 minutes every time you need to buy lunch meat. Save money and time? Yes, please!
We use this ham for breakfast sandwiches, omelettes, eggs benedict, lunch sandwiches and Hawaiian dinner pizzas. It’s saves so much money! Talk about an another easy trick for how to cut your grocery bill in half!
#11: Stock Up on Loss Leaders & Freeze the Extras
Be sure to take advantage of the “loss leaders” each time you shop. What’s a Loss Leader? Well… Loss Leaders are the items your local grocery store prices below their own cost to entice shoppers to come to the store and buy other, more expensive groceries.
For example, if a dozen eggs are on sale for 49 cents at your local grocery store, that is likely a loss leader for the store.
The trick is to stock up on all the loss leaders and other sale items you can use, while not paying full price for other groceries.
This past summer, I scored 93% lean ground beef on sale for $2.33 a pound. Are you ready for the best part? The guy stocking the meat told me there was no limit! I purchased as much as my freezer could hold and benefited from that ultra low-cost ground beef all Summer and Fall long!
Can you say Goulash, Goulash, Goulash three times fast while patting your head and rubbing your belly? Well, neither can I, but let me tell you… we had a lot of Goulash, and it was GOOD, and knowing we had stocked up on all of the ingredients at rock-bottom prices made it taste even better! Stocking up on sales is such a simple trick for how to cut your grocery bill in half.
How to Save Money on Meat
Ronni writes: “Shop loss leaders and sales of several stores and create a meal plan around them.”
Bridget writes: “I shop often (typically 3 days a week) and I go early, around 8:30 a.m. when store are just opening. Most stores do their markdowns for foods whose sell by/use by dates are coming up either late at night or early in the morning before opening. This way I’m early and get some good deals, especially on meats, which could easily be the biggest money culprit of a monthly food budget.
Sometimes I’m able to find a month’s worth of meats for $30 – $40 (30+ lbs) so the rest of the month I just get sides and fresh produce, milk and eggs! When I get the big meat markdowns I come home, inspect the meats, weight it out and break it down into dinner portions.”
Related: 20 Clever Ways to Save Money on Meat
If you can’t use your loss leaders right away, just freeze them! Check out these tips…
How to Freeze Strawberries
How to Freeze Eggs
#12: Buy In Bulk and Split The Bill!
An easy way to cut your grocery bill is to take advantage of bulk savings, then split the purchase with friends or family. By splitting the cost of a bulk purchase with a friend or family member, you can both score a sweet deal without buying more than you need.
This can apply to buying produce, meat, dairy, baking goods… or even toilet paper in larger quantities.
Related: 20 Sam’s Club Money Saving Tips
#13: Always Check the Unit Prices!
Did you know that bigger is not always better? We’ve kind of been trained that the bigger the bag or box, the better the deal, but make sure to always check those unit prices! I regularly find that the mid-size options are the best deal. Don’t let those grocery stores trick you on this one!
#14: Know Your Store’s Insider Savings Hacks!
Before you head out shopping, make sure you know all of those little known secrets and tricks for saving the most at your favorite store! Whether it’s getting an app and adding digital coupons, signing up for a loyalty card, or getting familiar with the price adjustment policy, you’ll want to learn as much as you can about the stores you shop at!
Check out these clever tips for Target, Walmart, Sam’s Club, and more…
21 Ways to Save More at Target (Best Money Saving Hacks)
Walmart Grocery Deals (20 Secret Tips)
Savvy Sam’s Club Money Saving Tips
#15: Shop Around for the Best Deals!
You may have a favorite grocery store you love, but remember if you shop around you’ll find the best deals! I often like to hit up several grocery stores in one trip, and stock up on their loss leaders to save some serious cash!
#16: Know Your Prices So You Don’t Get Tricked!
It’s true… knowing your prices will save you serious money, because grocery prices can vary widely from store to store.
For example, I purchase one large container of Organic Spinach every week to put into my favorite Berry Smoothie Recipe. That container of Organic Spinach is priced at $5.99 at both my local Fry’s Food (Kroger) and Walmart. But I can score it for $3.99 every day at Sam’s Club!
Saving 1 – 2 dollars on items you buy every single week adds up really fast. By simply keeping a record of the price you pay for items you buy weekly, you can easily save $30 – $50 every month! (and the crowd goes wild!)
A Grocery Price Book will help you keep track of prices at your local grocery store, so that you can track the sale cycles and avoid paying too much money. This way you’ll know when to stock up when items are cheap or on sale… and skip those same items when they’re too expensive.
You’ll also be able to identify when items are cheaper at one store, and more expensive at another.
Talk about an easy way to save money and feel great knowing you’re getting the best prices!
I actually created my own Grocery Price Book in a Note on my iPhone. I created a list of items I buy at each store and then list the current price by each item. Then, I actively update prices as I shop at each store. This way, my grocery price book is always up to date with current prices.
Trust me, this wonderful little book can help you save so much money!
#17: Shop at Aldi!
If you’re lucky enough to have an Aldi nearby, you’ll be able to score some seriously sweet deals! I shop there once a week, and it really helps to slash the grocery bill! Check out these tips for how to cut your grocery bill in half by including Aldi when you shop…
Amy writes: “Aldi has some great things. Regular milk, 1 gallon, is currently $1.48, and that’s hormone and antibiotic free. They are cutting HFCS from their stuff. Big name brands sell there either under their own brand, or Aldi’s brand. Some of the Aldi brand stuff doesn’t taste the same as the name brand, and of those, some is good, some not so good. But still, they have a great selection of cheese (including imports), wine (cheap too!), ice cream is all natural and under $3.00.
I love their chocolate, European and cheap, they have great vidalia onion kettle chips but they’re one of their seasonal products. Meijer carries the same thing under their own brand, year round. Aldi’s ice cream is SO GOOD! there are so many great things at Aldi, a good chunk of our pantry, if not most if it, is from Aldi. Aldi is the place you shop first, then fill in at other stores. For as great as their stuff is, and their savings, their selection is limited.”
Another Amy writes: “Aldi has a lot of good stuff and their prices are better than other stores. Aldi has good pasta and sauce. Among the many great things Aldi has is coffee, fair trade for a fraction of the price of any brand at other stores. Aldi has great organic stock in a box, 32 oz for $1.75/a box.”
#18: Make a Meal Plan Every Week
Another simple way to stick to your budget and avoid overspending at the grocery store is to simply create a meal plan every week. If you stick to your meal plan, you can confidently avoid all of those extra impulse purchases that seem to be calling your name!
Kathy writes: “Make a menu and stick to it … stretch the meat out for several meals.”
Linda writes: “I’m eating out of my pantry, fridge and freezer without going grocery shopping for anything other than eggs, milk and some fresh produce. I’ve been doing this all month and the meals are starting to get a little eclectic but it’s been good to get some of those “I wonder why I bought this” items out of the pantry!”
Renee writes: “I meal plan from what I have already and only buy things that are needed.”
Bridget writes: “I do reverse meal planning. I create a master list of all the food in my house (cabinets, pantry, fridge, freezer). I break that down into categories: -Meats -Sides -Breakfast foods -Veggies Etc… From there I create a menu. Say you have chicken, rice and broccoli on the master list. Find a way you would like to cook the chicken and then have broccoli and rice as a side. There’s one meal. It can also be easier of you have meal themes.
My shopping lists are usually pretty short since the meals are created by what’s already at home so the lists usually consist of fresh produce and some side dishes, and that way I’m also able to shop the current sales to use the majority of my monthly grocery budget towards future months. This method allows me to keep my grocery costs low and pre-plan for meals while making sure the items are being rotated through and nothing is wasted.”
Related: 201 Easy Crockpot Recipes
#19: Take the Pantry Challenge… and Eat From Your Pantry!
Want to know an easy way to save BIG on a meal this week? Raid your pantry! Just take the pantry challenge, and see what you can find to throw together to make a delicious meal. Get creative, have fun, and get excited about how much money you just saved!
Robyn writes: “We did the pantry challenge this month and will continue it into next month. We usually do it a couple times a year to ensure we are rotating stuff out regularly. It also helps to get a little creative.”
Darlene writes: “Next month my husband and I are doing a challenge to use everything in the house and not go grocery shopping for anything other than perishables.”
Related: Pantry Organization Ideas to Declutter Fast!
#20: Then Raid your Freezer!
Don’t forget about your freezer! In the deep depths of those icy cold shelves, there are probably some delicious things you’ve forgotten about, or have just been saving for ‘another day’. See what you can piece together using items from your freezer, and use it up before it gets that icky freezer burn going on.
Erin writes: “We are doing what we call “eating down the freezer” by consuming everything leftover from last year.”
Leslie writes: “I’m ‘shopping’ my pantry and freezer first to use more of what I have in the house instead of buying more groceries!”
Stephanie writes: “I am shopping from my pantry, fridge and freezer first, and making meals from what’s at home, even if I have to be creative.”
Eileen writes: “I am re-organizing my freezer and finding things I forgot were in there.”
Related: 101 Easy Meal Prep Ideas
#21: Skip the Boxed Mixes, and Make your Own!
Boxed mixes are convenient, but sure can cost a pretty penny.
That’s why I’ve made it my mission to recreate some of my favorite boxed mixes and stock my pantry with homemade versions. As an added bonus, I’ve found that they taste SO much better than the originals. I can even pronounce all of the ingredients going into my food. 🙂
Stock your pantry this week with some of these Easy DIY Mixes…
Homemade Pancake Mix Recipe
Homemade Brownie Mix Recipe
Skillet Cornbread Mix Recipe
Hot Chocolate Mix
Copycat Nesquik Mix
#22: Buy Produce in Season!
Are you wondering how to cut your grocery bill in half and still eat healthy? You’ll find the best deals on fruits and vegetables that are currently in season, so be flexible as the months change, and load up on the discounted produce that’s in season now.
#23: Substitute Frozen Fruit and Veggies!
If you can’t find a deal on the fresh fruit or vegetables you’ve got on your list, make a beeline for the freezer section! Frozen fruits and veggies are still packed with nutrients, and you might be surprised at the great deals you can get!
For example, I regularly buy frozen chopped white onions, and frozen chopped bell peppers. Not only are they a good deal, but the chopping has already been done for me, making weeknight dinner prep a breeze!
#24: Learn How to Can!
Canning is another one of those skills that can save you so much money! Whether you’re canning food you’ve grown in your backyard, or are canning with food you’ve scored an amazing deal on at the grocery store, you will save so much money! Plus… your food will be shelf stable, so it won’t take up any of that precious freezer space! Check out some of my favorite home canning recipes here…
Canning and Preserving for Beginners
#25: Grow More Food at Home!
Another easy trick for How To Cut Your Grocery Bill In Half is simply by growing more of your own food! By planting different fruits, veggies and herbs that are available for harvest at different times throughout your growing season, you can enjoy free produce all summer long.
Or if you’ve got an indoor herb garden, you can have fresh herbs within hand’s reach all year long!
DIY Mason Jar Herb Garden
Gail writes: “Grow a garden… even if you only have a patio or balcony”
Shonna writes: “Grow, hunt, fish, forage and raise your food.”
You don’t need a large yard when you creatively work with the space you already have (see this tutorial for creating a DIY Raised Bed Garden). Plus, there is that added satisfaction of eating something that you’ve actually planted and cultivated yourself!
To get started, check out my easy tips for:
Strawberry Growing Tips (How to Grow Strawberries In Any Sized Yard)
Tips For Growing Perfect Tomatoes
Perfect Watermelon Gardening Tips
Zucchini Growing Tips for a Huge Harvest!
Successful Corn Gardening Tips
Easy Pumpkin Growing Tips
DIY Raised Garden Bed Tutorial
#26: Grow and Dry Your Own Herbs!
Another simple trick for how to cut your grocery bill in half, is DIY Herbs! That’s right… you can make your garden fresh herbs last all year long with my easy tips for making homemade dried herbs. You’ll save BIG by not having to buy expensive herbs and dried herbs at the grocery store, too!
Check out my DIY tips for:
How To Dry Fresh Basil
How To Dry Oregano
Drying Fresh Rosemary in 60 Seconds
How to Dry Thyme Leaves in 2 Minutes!
#27: Make Your Own Seasonings
Want to know another easy trick? Bypass those expensive seasoning blends and packets, and make your own seasonings instead! And while you’re at it… start drying your own herbs. This can be a HUGE money-saver!
Amy writes: “Packets of mixes are convenient, but they’re so easy to make yourself. We also dry our own herbs, parsley, dill, mint, basil, chives, buy when it’s on sale (or use your own potted basil), clean and dry. It takes a bit of work but it’s so much cheaper than buying containers of dried herbs.”
20 DIY Seasoning Recipes You Can Make At Home! (+ How to Dry Herbs)
#28: Make Your Own Baby Food!
If you’ve got a baby at home, you probably already know… those little jars of baby food can just crush the grocery budget.
I don’t know why they’re so expensive, because guess what… you can actually make your own baby food for pennies. And it’s so EASY!!
Check this out…
Homemade Baby Food Recipes to Stock Your Freezer
#29: Never Shop on an Empty Stomach
Have you ever noticed how many more items make their way into your shopping cart when you’re feeling a bit ravenous? Oops!
It really can get a little out of hand, so make sure to eat something (maybe even a snack) before heading to the grocery store. I promise it will be SO much easier to stick to your list!
#30: Consider Grocery Pickup to Avoid Impulse Buys!
If impulse buys always seem to be calling your name, you may want to consider trying out grocery pickup. It’s a simple way to stick to your list… and avoid all those extras that seem to find their way into our carts.
Becky writes: “I use Grocery Pick Up!!! I am an impulse shopper. If I go inside, I will definitely spend money I didn’t mean to.”
Diane writes: “I do Walmart pickup so as to not enter the store.”
Stacey writes: “Grocery pickup saves me about $50/week because I don’t see all the extra things in the store I think we need but that we can do without.”
#31: Ask For A Rain Check
Are empty shelves all you when those sales hit? If a sale item is not in stock, don’t leave empty handed! Before you leave the store, get a Rain Check!
Simply ask any checker to give you a “Rain Check” for the sale item. Obtaining a Rain Check will allow you to still get the sale price on your next visit, even after the sale has officially expired. That’s what I’m talking about! Typically a Rain Check is valid for 30 – 60 days, but just check the date on yours and don’t forget to use it the next time you shop.
#32: Watch the Register As Your Order Rings Up!
Another thing I always do is keep a close eye on the register as my order is ringing up.
You’ll prevent yourself from paying double (if something accidentally gets scanned twice), you may catch prices that ring up incorrectly (like regular price instead of the sale price), and you’ll make sure all of your discounts and coupons come off correctly at the end.
#33: Bring Your Own Bags
My hubby has a serious aversion to ‘junk fees’, and paying for bags is just not going to happen. 🙂 Now this may not be necessary, but for certain locations (like California), or for stores like Aldi or Sprouts, you may be charged for each grocery bag you use.
Yikes… that can add up!
If you shop at stores that charge for bags, just toss some in your car’s trunk before you head to the store. It’s such a simple way to save some extra money!
#34: Always Use Coupons! (Always)
Shopping with coupons is still one of the best ways to save extra money on groceries… every time you shop.
Using coupons on items you’ll already be buying is always a good idea, and an easy trick for how to cut your grocery bill in half. And honestly, it’s always fun to check the receipt and see just how many dollars you saved using coupons… seriously, those coupons can really add up fast!
I try to use coupons at the grocery store every time I shop, and often will use about $10 in coupons per transaction. It’s always a good feeling watching that grocery bill drop down at the checkout! Need even more couponing tips and tricks?
Check this ultimate couponing guide out…
Couponing for Beginners
(thanks to frugal friend Dolly for sharing this fun photo! She said Lexie gets soooo excited when she’s cleaning out her expired coupons… and loves to jump in and ‘help’ out!)
#35: Match Coupons with Weekly Sales to Double Up on Savings!
Before you head to the store, take a few minutes to review your store’s weekly sales flyer.
You can plan your attack for what sales items you want to stock up on that week, and also look for coupons to match up with those sale items to sweeten your deals even more!
A few minutes of planning before you go can equal BIG savings!
#36: Pay With a Cash Back Credit Card!
Are you ready for one last tip for How To Cut Your Grocery Bill In Half?
It really pays to use a Cash Back Credit Card that will net you the highest cash back possible when buying groceries. Many credit cards offer at least 1.5% cash back, but others will give you as high as 5% cash back. So when you’re spending $600, $800 or even $1000 a month on groceries, 5% cash back can really add up fast!
So now that you know how to cut your grocery bill in half, I have even more frugal tips for How to Save Money to share with you!
#37: Learn How to Eat Healthy on a Budget
Eating healthy doesn’t have to cost a fortune! Check out these tips to to eat healthy on a budget…
Catherine writes: “Shop the perimeter of the store”
Lindsay writes: “Stay away from those packaged convenience foods.”
Sandra writes: “As you move away from prepackaged foods, and start using more fresh ingredients, you are already saving money. You pay for that convenience stuff!”
Mollie writes: “This is my simplified list for going all organic:
1. Shop at Trader Joe’s.
2. Buy bulk organics in the bulk bins at local markets, Whole Foods or Costco (depending on which is the least expensive at the time).
3. Barter with organic farmers and/or join a CSA. This worked especially well for us when we lived in central CT; one farm allowed me to trade 5 hours of work for bushels of blueberries, peaches and apples.
4. Go to farmers markets at the end of the business day, when they are more likely to make deals with you.
5. Write to companies for coupons and save those coupons for retailers that offer double coupon value and/or Super Double days like Harris Teeter. For example, I wrote to the makers of my favorite soy milk and was mailed over $100 worth of coupons with no expiration date. Most companies send around $20.00 in coupons.
6. Know the coupon policy at Whole Foods (ask for the coupon policy at your local store), and use Whole Foods In-Store Coupons. Make friends with your cashier; they know when sales are coming up.
7. Buy coupons off eBay. I’ve even purchased “$10.00 off your next purchase at Whole Foods” coupons off this site.”
Sandra writes: “One thing I noticed in my area – the organics at the regular grocery store (Kroger) cost more than the same products at the store that specializes in organics and natural foods (Whole Foods). I think that is because they are considered “specialty items” at Kroger. No specialty item mark-up is needed at a store that already carries natural foods. So compare prices at the stores near you.”
Lynn writes: “Cook dried beans for protein!”
Alice writes: “Visit local fruit stands, we scored 2 HUGE bunches of asparagus for $1, they were delicious for lunch.”
Lisa writes: “I save myself a lot of work by buying already frozen veggies in bulk or on sale. Usually this is cheaper than buying fresh and the vegetables are frozen at the peak of freshness.”
Amy writes: “I’d say at least 75% of the groceries I buy are organic. I only buy what’s on sale… Period. When I go to Whole Foods or Outpost (our local co-op here in Milwaukee), I just keep my eyes peeled for their brightly colored ‘on sale’ signs and go from there. Add to that the coupons I print off the web, and eating right is affordable, even on my modest annual income.”
#38: How to Save Money on Snacks for Kids!
Fuel for child’s next snack attack with these frugal tips and tricks!
One way I’ve found to really save BIG on groceries is to cut out the small prepackaged snacks… and just create my own! It’s SO easy! Not only does this save money, but you can also determine the portion size and incorporate some healthy snacks too!
Save BIG When You Buy in Bulk!
When you buy your child’s favorite snacks in bulk, you will save SO much money as opposed to buying small individually sized packages.
I like to pick up bulk sized packages at Costco or Sam’s Club, but you can also check at your regular grocery store, too! Consider stocking up on things like Pretzels, Crackers, Dried Fruits, Nuts, Animal Cookies, Chips, Popcorn, etc.
Find healthy alternatives when you can, and you’ll have so many fun snacks that are ready to grab-and-go for the kids. You might even like them for taking along with your lunch, or as a snack in your purse!
How Do You Make a Snack Pack?
It’s so simple! Just purchase some mini snack-sized ziploc bags, then fill them up with treats your kids will love!
That could be a homemade trail mix with the nuts and dried fruit you purchased, or bags of just pretzels, popcorn, crackers, etc.
Then load up your snack packs into a large basket so you can grab and go when it’s time to pack a lunch, head out on a long car ride, etc. You’ll always be prepared, and you’ll save SO much money!
More Ways to Save Money on Snacks for Kids:
Suzie writes: “Don’t buy the individual wrapped veggies. Instead, buy the big bags, and cut them up to save on price!
The same can be said with yogurt, applesauce, and so on. Plus… they can individualize and decorate their own containers to keep them in for lunch.”
Kimberly writes: “Make your own fruit cups with seasonal fruit cut in bite sized pieces.”
Beverly writes: “Usually on the weekend I’ll make homemade cookies or brownies and that’s a snack for the week.”
Spending less and keeping more cash in your wallet is fun, so let’s keep slashing those bills and saving even more money! How To Cut Your Grocery Bill In Half was just the beginning!
More Money Saving Tips
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So do you have any favorite tips for How To Cut Your Grocery Bill In Half?
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Healthy World Cuisine says
OMG so many great tips. Going to need to revisit this post and the others to take it all in. Going to try signing up for survey monkey – great tip.
Heidi says
That’s wonderful… I’m so glad you liked the tips!
Maria Fazio says
I help run a produce co op. We pull our money together. Then myself and another lady go to the state farmers market and purchase cases of produce for the group. We decide it up and save a ton of money. It’s only $30 a week and we do it twice a month. We fill or over fill a laundry basket of produce each time.
Heidi says
What a great idea, Maria! My neighbors belong to a produce co op, and when we used to live next door they would always share their delicious produce with us. 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing your great tips!
Mark C. Pettway says
Thanks soo much! Thanks for all the fab money saving tips!
Heidi says
You’re very welcome, Mark… I’m so glad you’re enjoying the tips! 🙂
Su says
Thanks for all the fab money saving tips! I posted a link to your tips from my blog -TurtleDoveThoughts. Unfortunately in our community, there are no stores that accept coupons at all 🙁
Heidi says
Oh that’s so sad, Su… thankfully there are so many other ways to save BIG, too! 🙂 I’m so glad you liked the tips – and thank you so much for sharing the article!
Rachel says
If you love to make and drink coffee, a great way to save money is to roast your own coffee beans at home. It is so easy to do and saves you A LOT of cash on grocery store coffee.
PAULA says
In regards to meatless days—I usually add can chicken/roast beef to pasta & sauce or cream (sour/cheese) & milk and for my take on swedish meatballs I use frozen maple bacon pork meatballs (about 1/3 bg for myself makes about 3 servings–bag cost approx $3.50) with small can cream of mushroom and half box pasta, usually egg noodles or ditalini–then a few days later I toss the other half of pasta w/can cream of chicken,can chicken, and sour cream. My son the picky eater who doesn’t like anything white/creamy actually devoured a bowl of the chicken ditalini blend…oh,the trick is to “sauté ” the canned meat first with seasonings of your choice then add to pasta/sauce mix the last 5 mins of cooking. I usually do 1 pot/pan cooking so I prep meat then put in tupperware dish in micro/oven til ready to add.
Heidi says
Those are great tips, Paula… thanks so much for sharing your frugal recipe ideas!
Victoria says
Check your store for “double coupon days” and “double sale days”. Here in Dayton, Ohio, Fresh Thyme stores have the double sale day on Wednesday. The last day of the previous weeks sale and the current weeks sale overlap on Wednesday, allowing me to take advantage of two weeks worth of sales.
If you buy for only one or two, pooling your grocery shopping with other singles or couples allows you to take advantage of sales of bulk or bagged goods. This is especially great for bargains on bagged produce, like apples or oranges. Just dive them up among your group.
Heidi says
Those are great tips, Victoria. Thanks so much for sharing!