Looking for Free Baby Stuff for Expecting Mothers? These are the top baby freebies of 2024 and free items for new moms today! Get ready to be seriously spoiled!!

Got a Baby, Baby-on-the-way, or know someone who does?? It’s time to load up on some amazing baby freebies! Go score a deal for yourself, or stash away the perfect Free Baby Shower gift for someone else!
There’s nothing quite like the joy of being a Mom, right? From cozy cuddles and sweet smiles, to squishy baby legs and silly giggles, babies are such a joy!
And whether you’ve got a Baby or Baby-on-the-way, you will LOVE these Baby Freebies for New Moms!
Let’s face it… babies can be expensive, but once you know where to find the best freebies, your wallet will be thanking you!
This free baby stuff by mail also makes wonderful Baby Shower, Birthday and Christmas gifts for babies and expecting mothers.
When you stash away extras, you can spoil your friends when they’re expecting, too!
So what are you waiting for?
Go get your baby freebies here, then read on for a HUGE list of money saving tips from your fellow Frugal Moms…
How Can I Get a Lot of Baby Stuff for Free?
So you’ve got a sweet little baby? Or a baby on the way? There are SO many freebies you can get by mail!
Just check out the freebies below, order your favorites, and wait for your goodies to show up in the mailbox!
Andrea writes: “Awesome!! I’m very happy to find different ways for baby and mommy to get free items!”
What Free Stuff Can I Get When Pregnant?
Congratulations on your pregnancy!
This is such an exciting time, and you’ll be so happy to know about the fun freebies you can get when you’re expecting! Some of the best free things by mail include…
- FREE Amazon Baby Registry Sample Box!
- Baby Consignment Store (donate items, get free credit to spend!)
- Free Target Baby Registry Welcome Kit
- Baby Crochet Pattern
- Free Enfamil Formula Samples
- Cozy Blanket Pattern
- Free Similac Formula Samples
- Free Samples from Pediatrician (it never hurts to ask)
- Toddler Drink Free Samples
Free Baby Stuff for Expecting Mothers
Serena writes: “My favorite baby money saving tip is to sign-up to receive emails from Enfamil, and also give them your mailing address to receive formula checks in the mail – for a really long time!
They start out at $15 and then slowly decrease as your baby gets older. These are great, because you can use them as a check at the grocery and then use a coupon as well!!!”
Free Sample Box from Amazon Baby Registry!
Free Baby Crochet & Blanket Patterns:
A Free Crochet Pattern for Baby
No-Sew Fleece Blanket Tutorial
Jennifer writes: “I’ve done them 2 or 3 times! So fun, easy and simple!!!! They’re awesome for littles… so soft and comfy! I’ve given two as baby shower gifts!!!”
Where Else Can I Find Free Baby Stuff?
In addition to fun freebies like the Free Amazon Baby Registry Sample Box, here are some more great places to find Free Baby Stuff…
Jenny writes: “I swap and/or lend out toys, clothes, gear, etc. to and from my friends with kids.”
NJ writes: “Be sure to request gift cards if you have a Baby Shower. It can save you a lot of time returning things you don’t need or want & can give you a mini-escape if you get any food or coffee house gift cards. 🙂
If you need an escape and want to leave the house with Baby for a few hours, check your local museum, library, theater or county park websites – many offer discounts or even free admission on certain days of the week.”
Free Baby Food Recipes
Amanda writes: “For Baby Food – I used to make my own when my daughter was eating baby food. It saved a lot of money, and it was healthier for our daughter, too.”
Cherie writes: “Make your own baby food. 30 minutes a week is all it takes to make and freeze nutritious baby food for an entire week.
Also, ask your friends for their used baby stuff, A lot of people assume you don’t want it. Finally, get crafty! It’s amazing the stuff you can make yourself for a fraction of the cost!”
Joanna writes: “I freeze Homemade Baby Food in ice cube trays, then put them in plastic baggies when they’re frozen – perfect serving size!”
Paulette writes: “I found it was so much more cost efficient to make my own. Plus, I knew there was no additives, just wholesome goodness. I mashed up large quantities of a single fruit or vegetable and froze. No spices or sugars added, let the palate learn the natural taste. One new food per week so could check for allergies.”
Casey writes: “Have a Container Garden with a few common items, like carrots, etc. ALWAYS accept free veggies from neighbors’ gardens, then dice and freeze the surplus!
Homemade baby food is healthier AND cheaper. I just made zucchini and apples for my littlest one and it disappeared quickly, lol.”
Katy writes: “I bought a baby food maker to make baby food out of what we are eating.”
Homemade Baby Food Sweet Potato Recipe
Ashley writes: “My daughter loves her sweet potatoes… sometimes I add a pinch of cinnamon or even a pinch of nutmeg – she enjoys both.”
Homemade Baby Food Butternut Squash
Tresa writes: “Thank you so much for the recipe! I’m doing my part to help my amazing daughter be an amazing Mommy now. So I thought making my granddaughter’s baby food with organic veggies would be so much better than store bought. This recipe is easy and we know exactly what baby girl is eating! Thanks again!”
Carrot Baby Food Puree Recipe
Homemade Green Bean Baby Food Puree
Homemade Baby Food Peas Recipe
Aarthi writes: “I love to cook baby foods in my Instant Pot, so easy and handy to make it ahead of time. So much better and organic than store bought food.”
Applesauce Recipe for Baby
Teri writes: “Will definitely make again. I used Fuji apples.”
Sara writes: “Instead of buying toddler veggies, I buy canned veggies. They are soft and easy for the kiddos to chew. I can get one large can for 1/2 the price of a 1 serving size baby / toddler food jar.”
DIY Baby Cleaning Products
Homemade Foaming Baby Wash
Shanna writes: “I’ve been doing this for a while now with my two boys. They have so much more fun with the foam in the tub, and it goes a lot further!!”
How to Make Foaming Shampoo
How to Make Homemade Baby Wipes
Katie writes: “I make my own wipes. Helps with sensitive skin. Plus cheaper.”
Susie writes: “When my kids were little, I used the Tupperware recipe Ingredients are 2 1/2 cup Distilled Water, 2 tsp Baby Shampoo or Baby Bath, 1 tsp. Baby Oil, and 1/2 Roll Paper Towels (Bounty).
Directions; Mix water, shampoo and oil in Tupperware container. Place paper towels in Saltine Saver or other long tall Tupperware Container. Pour mixture over paper towels until soaked. Remove inner cardboard and pull wipes from center for use.”
Candy writes: “I do something similar to the “Tupperware” recipe. 1/2 roll Bounty paper towels (electric knife is wonderful for this – got mine free of course). Place paper towels in rubbermaid container #6 size, or something similar (tupperware, folgers plastic coffee can, etc). Microwave 2 1/2 cups distilled water for 4 minutes. Add to hot water; 1 tablespoon baby oil, 1 tablespoon baby wash, and a couple drops tea tree oil. Stir mixture, then pour over paper towels. Put lid on and place something heavy on top (iron skillet, gallon of vinegar, whatever) After 45 minutes or so, remove lid, pull out cardboard core, and pull wipes from center. I have used a modified version of this recipe using the baby washcloths when I did cloth diaper, and I just tossed them with the diapers in the wash.”
Laura writes: “We started using flannel squares that my mom and I zig-zagged around to keep them from fraying. I put them in an used wipes container with enough water to make them moist, a drop or two of baby shampoo and a drop of tea tree oil. I think I had enough for a two day supply and would wash every other day.”
Katy writes: “I used old flannel receiving blankets cut to 8×8. I just sewed a zigzag stitch around the edge or serged the edges. The 8×8 size of wipe is nice because it fits well into an old regular wipes container (Huggies, etc.) You can even fold them so they pop up each time.”
Sterling writes: “You can also cut the paper towel roll in half with a good serrated knife. It saved a lot of money & worked great!”
Allyson writes: “Add a few drops of Tea Tree Oil. It is an awesome anti bacterial, and anti fungal. The smell is distinct and great. I also add a few drops of jojoba Oil instead of the Baby oil. It is also anti fungal, doesn’t clog pores and is used for people with skin allergies!”
Megan writes: “I use baby washcloths for my cloth wipes. For the solution, I use 2Tbsp baby wash, 2Tbsp olive oil, 2Cups distilled water. I sometimes will include a few drops of tea tree oil, especially if baby has a rash. But you can also do a couple of drops of lavender oil to give it a yummy smell. I put this solution in a spray bottle. Then at diaper changing time, I can squirt baby’s bum, wipe and toss all of the dirty stuff in the diaper pail.”
Caralee writes: “I totally use coconut oil in my baby wipes. I also use lavender essential oil too. Lavender has many of the same properties as tea tree oil, but it is even more gentle on babies little bums and I love the smell. I use about 2-3 cups distilled water, a few teaspoons of baby soap, a few teaspoons of coconut oil and then about 5-10 drops of lavender oil (or more I really just add it until it smells good).”
More Tips for How to Save Money on Baby Stuff
Robyn writes: “For clothes and toys, I found Craigslist, Goodwill (and other second hand stores) to be useful. When I go to a retail store, the first thing I do is check out the clearance items.”
Amanda writes: “I use cloth diapers – you only need 20 – 24 total. It isn’t gross, and washing them is easy and has just become a routine for me. The cost up front for these diapers is quite a bit, but it quickly pays itself off. I have also made cloth baby wipes — so we don’t ever have to buy diapers or wipes. The diapers paid themselves off in 4 months. You save a lot of money by cloth diapering.”
Rachell writes: “Cloth diapers all the way!!! A $300 initial investment in some good, one size cloth diapers from kellyscloset.com and we have saved well over $800 since my 16mo was born.
Super easy (no more diaper pins and rubber pants) and, we will be able to reuse them on future children! No more spending $40-$50 bucks a month (with coupons!) on diapers, only to run out and have to go out at 11pm to get some. And, so much cuter than disposables!”
Ashley writes: “I watch for the Costco coupon book to come, and love when there is a coupon for diapers and wipes!”
Mia writes: “My favorite baby saving tip, is sign up for Target Coupons and then combine them with manufacturer coupons for double the savings!”
Peggy writes: “We are expecting #5 in 5 more weeks and this is our plan: feed myself, (no formula OR bottles and bottle accessories!) make our own baby food, use hand me downs, shop Rummage/yard sales/consignment shops.”
Jenna writes: “Before every garage sale season, I make a list of things I’m looking for (clothes, crib, toys) and hunt for only those items.”
Alison writes: “Second-hand or hand-me-down toys are a further way of saving money and recycling goods. Swapping toys with friends might also work for you.
Another way to maintain interest in toys is to box them up and store some in the loft, bringing down different toys regularly, so that children frequently get a change of play-things. As we’re a single income family, this was a subject close to my heart when my son was born.”
Carri writes: “I shop year end sales at Gymboree and Gap for my kids’ clothes and then resell them.”
Amanda writes: “I use coupons as much as possible, shop out of season for next season buying one to two sizes larger. I mix my son’s juice half and half with water, he drinks juicy juice and this way he gets plenty of water and still gets enough juice.”
Marie writes: “I make my own laundry detergent… HUGE money saver!”
Cindy writes: “My biggest advice is not to buy into all the ‘hype’ for baby gear. I was looking at a baby store ad the other day and was astonished at some of the things they try to convince mothers are a “must-have”. Stick to the basics and you’ll be just fine, baby won’t know any different.
Also, take a good look at some of the things you DO buy. A lot of things can be made/sewn super easily! Do a Google search for free patterns or instructions on DIY for things like Crib sheets, crib bumper, blankets, shopping cart cover, etc.”
Maggie writes: “My children always had more toys than they could possibly play with, so I packed away about half of them and about every 3 months I’d rotate them and it was like they had all new toys and they were thrilled!!!”
NJ writes: “I recommend hitting up the Goodwill or eBay for kids clothes & bedding… it can save a fortune.”
Michelle writes: “I like to combine coupons with rebates to help stretch my dollars. Another thing is shopping in the clearance section for next year’s clothes… I just make sure I buy them big enough to fit for the next year, and end up saving tons of money!”
Amy writes: “My best tip is to compare, compare, compare. You can always find a good deal if you just take a few minutes and search.”
Marcie writes: “I saved all my baby items until I knew for sure I was done having kids… 4 was our magic number! We also swap baby sitting with another couple, so each of us gets a few nights out each month without having to pay for a sitter.”
Claudia writes: “Shop for baby items at garage sales and Craigslist!”
Angela writes: “I cut out the feet of my husband’s tube socks, and use the ankle part around my baby’s knees. It prevents him from getting carpet burn when he’s crawling around!”
Danielle writes: “Instead of buying lots of stuff just for the baby, use what you already have. Examples: instead of a changing table… use the bed/floor/crib/couch; instead of formula and bottles… breastfeed; instead of baby food… make your own from fruits and veggies.”
Ann writes: “My favorite tip is to sign up for website newsletters to be the first to know about sales and coupons straight from the business.”
Susan writes: “My best baby money saving tip is hand me down clothes & thrift store shopping. When my son was a baby, he had several older boy cousins who would hand us down some great clothes. To fill in the gaps, I’d shop the thrift stores & garage sales!!!!”
Marge writes: “My Favorite baby saving tip is to wash out food/ formula stains immediately. Even if you are not planning on having more kids, you may be able to trade in the baby clothes for cash or credit at the consignment shop!”
Susie writes: “#1 baby saving tip is to share with friends! Share your clothes and others will share back. Plan ahead and get clothes larger than your babies current size. Store these in plastic labeled containers. Clothes are so expensive. Treat stains and keep them nice for swapping. No friends to swap with? Go to garage sales and consignment stores.”
Carri writes: “I shop year end sales at Gymboree and Gap for my kids’ clothes and then resell them.”
Brandy writes: “I shop for clothes for my kids at the end of the season. Last year when summer was ending, I found some great bargains for my little girl. Walmart always marks their clothes down to one or two bucks.”
Kaitlyn writes: “Shop garage sales in the Summer time especially, Walmart clearance during January, Facebook marketplace, and Thrift stores. Also, you can shop at pregnancy centers with their “bucks” you get when you take parenting classes. You can get brand new with the tag clothing for your kids up to age 3!”
Tina writes: “I save money by having friends who have kids just older than mine and hand me downs are free! Plus my kids ruin clothes faster than I can keep up so I don’t waste my hard earned money buying them anything expensive.”
Angie writes: “I never pay full price for baby clothes. Target does markdowns in infants every Monday by 10am. So I am sure if I NEED to shop, I go then. Also, I don’t usually get the items for 30% off, I wait for 50% or even 75%!!! Whoo hooo!! Love to get 75% off!!!”
Connie writes: “My favorite money saving tip is to buy baby/kids clothes at Kohl’s when they are on sale, and there is a 30% off code + a free shipping code. You do have to be a Kohl’s card member to get the best deals, but I swear it is totally worth it.”
Leigh Anne writes: “My favorite baby saving tip: breastfeed! It’s free!”
Becky writes: “Favorite baby saving tip… use cloth diapers! I still love Huggies for night time and when we go out, but for during the day cloth diapers save me a lot of cash!”
Shannon writes: “I use 1/2 wipe when I change my baby’s diaper, so the pack of wipes lasts twice as long!”
How to Save Money on Swim Diapers
Use Reusable Swim Diapers:
If you play in the water often, Reusable Swim Diapers will quickly pay for themselves!
How to Save Money on Disposable Swim Diapers:
Do you prefer disposable swim diapers… like Pampers Splashers or Huggies Little Swimmers? Watch for sales and match with Swim Diaper Coupons! Then… wash them in the laundry! I’ve put this trick to the test for years… and trust me ~ it works!
When they weren’t “messy and beyond help”, I would wash them in the laundry, and was often able to use one package all summer long! Just don’t put them in the dryer or they’ll become crunchy… instead, let them air dry, and they’ll be as good as new! 😉
Free Nanobébé Sample Kit!
This kit includes the best-selling Flexy Pacifier, 2 Nursing Pads, and 2 Breast Milk Storage Bags. (just pay s/h)
More Fun Baby & Mom Inspiration
Having a baby is seriously fun and finding adorable cuteness for both baby and mom is a must!
Check out these fun ideas for both baby and mom below…
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Get inspired with this HUGE list of Baby Shower Ideas for Girls and Boys! You’ll find fun themes, games, party food recipes, and creative gifts!
New Mom Gift Ideas
Got a sweet little Baby on the Way, or know someone who does?? Spoil all the new moms in your life with these fun and helpful New Mom Gift Ideas!
Best Baby Travel Gear
From your baby’s perspective, a trip is a pretty big deal. Being prepared means having a happy baby, and that means everyone gets to enjoy the trip!
How to Sell My Car Privately (I Made $3500 Over Trade-In)
Are you thinking of selling your car? Use these 12 tips to Sell My Car privately, to get the most money possible! Recently, I came in pocketing an extra $3,500 for about 15 hours of total work. Not bad, huh?
Best Maternity Clothes for Work (Look AMAZING on a Budget)
Use these easy hacks to get the Best Maternity Clothes for Work and Home on a budget! Having a baby can be expensive, but your maternity clothes don’t have to be!
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Genius TJ Maxx Hacks
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So have you scored any of these fun Freebies for Expecting Mothers yet?
Leave a comment & share!
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April says
this be my first baby and I’m a young mother and I need a lot of help
Heidi says
Congratulations, April! You will be a great mom! 🙂
dawt tial says
Hello, i’m expecting a boy in July 3rd, 2023.
Heidi says
Congratulations… that’s so wonderful! 🙂
Amanda says
I’m expecting April 4th
Heidi says
That’s so exciting, Amanda… congratulations!!
Krystal says
I just want to say thank you so much for all of the items that you have posted! I am not pregnant but my sister from another mister is lol! I just do not make a lot of money and try to get my sister as much stuff as I can for as cheap or free as I can. I also looked into the side hustles for moms, and I am going to do that for myself as well. Thank you so much. I am very appreciative!
Heidi says
Aww… you’re very welcome, Krystal! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the list of baby freebies… these definitely make fun gifts for new moms! That’s great to hear you’re going to check out the side hustles, too! It’s always nice having extra money coming in each month. 🙂 Here are a few more side hustle ideas you might want to look into…
Kit says
Freebies yayy
Heidi says
Nothing beats fun freebies for babies! 🙂
Rose Mae Valencia says
Hi im expicting and hoping to recieve a stuff for my first baby, its on 5 weeks and 2 days now. After my twice miscarriage i got a rainbow baby soon…
Heidi says
Congratulations on your baby-on-the-way, Rose! That’s so exciting!!
Tiyana Porter says
So how do I get the free baby stuff?
Heidi says
Hi Tiyana… just select the link above for the offer you’re interested in, and follow the step-by-step instructions for that specific freebie. 🙂
Masande says
Your baby clothes are so cute …
Heidi says
Aren’t they adorable? They really do have so many fun free clothes and shoes to choose from!
Minenhle says
Im expecting, will be delivering this month
Heidi says
Oh that’s so exciting, Minenhle! Congratulations on your sweet little baby-on-the-way! 🙂
Christie says
This is so amazing and helpful for all the expectant mothers out there! I know one as well so I’m going to forward this article to my friend!
Heidi says
Oh that’s wonderful, Christie… I hope she enjoys all of the amazing deals for new moms! 🙂
Sandra says
Wow, I love all the freebies for my baby girl due in July. How do I get them. Great ideas.
Heidi says
Hi Sandra… that’s so exciting, congratulations! To get your baby freebies, just select each one you’re interested in, then there will be step by step instructions for how to get your free baby items by mail. 🙂
Mae says
Expecting my first grandchild, this is a wonderful resource! Thank you for taking the time to compile this list.
Heidi says
You’re very welcome, Mae… I’m so glad you found the list helpful! 🙂
Kristy says
Cathy | Freebies-For-Baby.com says
Those baby pacifiers stuck in donuts is hysterical. What a great idea!
Heidi says
Aren’t they too cute for a baby shower? 🙂
Arabela Rodriguez says
Hey I’M Due January and I need to know how to get free baby stuff and I have 4 kids already so I need stuff for them to! Can Y’all Help?
Arabela Rodriguez says
Hey I’M Due January and I need to know how to get free baby stuff and I have 4 kids already so I need stuff for them to!
jada holmes says
Hey! I’m expecting next month in march, how can I get free baby stuff?
desiree Garza says
Hello Imy due in little as a month with twins, and I have a son that’s has special needs, and I’m in desperate need of baby items for girls. Need car seats, stroller etc.
Heidi says
Hi Desiree,
There are more great money saving tips for Baby shared by fellow moms on this post here:
Tara says
Hey I am due in 2 months
Heidi says
How exciting, Tara… congrats!
Michelle Mann says
I am very interested in getting new items to try for my baby girl. This is my 1st baby. Open for new trial options.
Heidi says
Hi Michele ~ be sure to check out even more freebies for your baby girl here:
April says
Im expecting next August, and Im nervous how Im gonna get everything I need.
Heidi says
Congratulations on your baby-on-the-way, April! There are so many great deals you can take advantage of for new moms, and I’ve rounded up a HUGE list of even more Freebies and Coupons for Baby here:
Hope this helps!!
Amanda says
Baby girl due in 6 weeks!
Heidi says
How fun, Amanda… she’ll be here before you know it! Congratulations!!
Dayna Thompson says
Expecting my first baby in 6 weeks!
Aryzona Grace!
Heidi says
Congratulations, Dayna… that’s so exciting ~ and what a beautiful name!
Kinn says
I am expecting a baby in a month!
Heidi says
Congratulations, Kinn… that’s so exciting!
Sambriel shorty says
I’m expecting
Heidi says
How exciting, Sambriel! I’m sure Baby will love all these fun freebies! 😉
Mariah Frohnhofer says
I have a 4 Mont babby
Heidi says
How sweet, Mariah… that’s such a fun age! 🙂