Planning a Baby Shower? Check out this BIG List of Baby Shower Ideas on a Budget. Including Fun Games & Party Food everyone will LOVE!
Then… be sure to check out this massive list of Fun Frugal Birthday Party Ideas!

Baby Shower Ideas on a Budget
So are you ready to throw an AMAZING Baby Shower?
Get inspired with this HUGE list of Baby Shower Ideas on a Budget for Girls and Boys! You’ll find fun themes, games, party food recipes, and creative gifts!
It’s time for some beautiful Baby Shower Ideas!!
Related: 33 New Mom Gift Ideas
Baby Shower Decorations
Are you ready to decorate for the celebration? These pretty baby shower decorations will add such a lovely pop of color to the party!
DIY Flower Poms: Not only are these absolutely gorgeous, they’re so EASY and thrifty to make, too!
How to Make Flower Pom Poms
Tinted Mason Jar Vases: These pretty tinted mason jars make the perfect vase for tiny flowers, and look absolutely gorgeous!
How to Tint Mason Jars
Baby Shower Donuts
These Baby Shower Donuts with a Pacifier will be the hit of the party, and make the cutest little treat for guests. Plus, the pacifiers double as a fun gift for Mom and her sweet Baby!
Simply pick up some donuts from your local bakery, grocery store, or Walmart.
I prefer just the clear glazed donuts without sprinkles or colors. This will allow for all of the fun focus to be on those CUTE binkies!
- Just before the Baby shower begins, set your donuts out on plates or platters.
- Pop 1 pacifier into the hole of each donut.
- Carefully attach two edible eyes to each donut as well. I like to use a dab of white frosting on the back side of the eyeball to act as a sort of glue.
- Set them out on a table… and let your guests know they can pass the pacifiers onto Mom when it’s time to enjoy their treat.
Jenn said: “A cute and cheap decoration idea is to hang a string or some yarn like a clothes line and attach some onesies across it (either with safety pins or actual clothes pins). On each onesie, you could have a letter printed out to spell the baby’s name or just spell out “BABY”. After the shower is over, mom gets to take them home as a gift!”
Baby Freebies for New Moms!
Ashli said: “Take a length of clothesline, ribbon, or string and hang it up, then decorate as she unwraps by hanging the outfits on the clothesline for everyone to see!”
Baby Shower Games
Baby ABC Shower Game
A fun game is to do the Baby ABC’s. Set a timer (maybe 2 minutes?) and guests can write down one word starting with each letter of the alphabet that has to do with babies (like A-apple sauce, B-board books, C-colic, D-diapers etc). The person who has the most wins a prize. A great prize would be a notecard set or some nail polish or a cheap box of chocolates from the dollar store if you’re on a budget! (Or heck, regift! LOL)
Fill the Bottle Baby Shower Game
Another fun game is a guessing game. Fill a Bottle with pink or blue or green/yellow M&Ms or jelly beans or some kind of candy and then have guests guess how many are in there. Winner wins the candy.
Drink the Bottle Baby Shower Game
Jennifer said: “Get baby bottles. We had a competition to see who could drink the bottle the fastest…. filled with some sort of juice! Really fun game!”
Anne said: “Have a baby relay. Split the guests into teams and each gets a doll and a diaper bag with a diaper and complete outfit and a car seat. See which team can have the baby dressed, ready , and strapped in first.”
Kathi said: “I make my own food, and like to do a Brunch. Oven Baked Cinnamon Roll French Toast Casserole, Fresh Fruit, Mini Muffins, Mini Bagels with Cream Cheese, and I print my own games.
I also like to do Couples Showers – this involves all of the friends – with this – I like for the guys to grill out and then have sides to go with this. Cakes are a must. Sam’s Club has awesome CHEAP cupcake cakes…Very cute – baby themed…
Games – have mom leave the room – have everyone answer ten questions about her…Hair up or down? Earrings on? Shoes? Pants? Color of top? Watch color? Toenail polish and color? Many things you can ask… Give mom a gift everytime someone wins a gift (i.e – mom’s is baby themed)
Pass a tray of baby items around. Remove it from the room. The person who has the list of the most items wins.”
Toilet Paper Baby Shower Game
Julia said: “A fun game we played at my shower was with rolls of toilet paper…. Guess How Many Squares of Tissue it will Take to Wrap Around Her Belly… it’s cheap and FUN!!”
My Water Broke Baby Shower Game
Michelle said: “Buy some small plastic babies. Freeze them in ice cubes. Give each guest a glass of room temperature water and an ice cube. Have everyone drop the ice cube in their glasses of water at the same time. The first persons baby to break out of the ice cube yells “my water broke”.”
Barbara said: “You can make simple sandwiches with different sandwich breads and use a cookie cutter… Teddy, duck, bottle etc to cut out. Cut a watermelon in shape of carriage and fill with fruit.
What’s in Your Purse Baby Shower Game
Anita said: “For the baby showers I’ve hosted (and my own too), the game we always have the most fun with is the “What’s in Your Purse” game. The host has a bucket and draws a letter out of it. Whoever finds an object that starts with that letter (either in their purse or on their person) first gets to keep the letter. Whoever has the most letters at the end of the game wins. Another funny game was the baby food game. We gave each person a bite of baby food and they had to guess what flavor/food it was. This made for the most hilarious pictures. You can always grab some post Christmas gift sets and repackage the contents in a nice gift bag.”
Michelle said: “I have had a design a maternity top contest with two teams. Each team was given a balloon to simulate a belly, some ribbon, pretty fabric, toilet paper, and an old lace curtain to create their shirt. Each team had one person model their outfit and the guest of honor had her photo taken with the two models. Very fun!
I have also had a “Price is Right” style game with various baby items and each person guessed the retail price on an index card. The most correct guesses won a prize and the items were part of my gift to the pregnant guest of honor.
Another fun idea is to hand out 1-2 diapers to each guest with a variety of permament markers and have guests write something on the front of the diapers like “daddy’s turn”, “what a blessing”, or a Bible verse.”
Baby Shower Diaper Cakes
Diana said: “I bought a Box of Diapers. Part of the box was used to make a diaper cake and some more diapers were used to make a diaper banner. I used some of my SwagBucks to purchase baby items for the diaper cake. This way I had both a gift for the mommy-to-be and two cute decorations. I also bought two packs of socks (buy one, get one half off) and made baby sock roses – another gift/decoration combo. For prizes for games I used some of my free coffee samples I found from The Frugal Girls.”
Jennifer said: “Diaper cakes are easy and so cute! I found some cute ribbon, a bottle of lotion and a bottle of baby powder. Stuck some onesies, bibs, pacis and toys in the outside rolls, and it came out super cute! Only took about 2 hours to make.”
Megan said: “When I host a shower I do all DIY games/activities, make all the food, and have it at the mom-to-be’s house (if possible). I make things like finger sandwiches, carrot soup, pasta salad, fruit salad, and sparkling lemonade. I love word-search and jumble kind of games with baby theme, you can just make them yourself and print them out. Also, I like to get a couple packs of fabric markers (and then re-use them for the next shower!) and have everyone decorate a onesie for the baby.”
Barbara said: “For a fun free game, ask the guests to come up with as many names as possible from the letters in the parents names. Prizes can go to the prettiest, funniest, and longest.”
Nancy said: “I did a Victorian tea party wedding shower but could also be for a baby shower I found tea cups at thrift shops in 1 color they didn’t match also found tea pots there also . I made tissue paper flowers for napkin rings I used the colors of pink and silver. I made plastic canvas Mini picture frames of the couple as favors witch was very inexpensive 1 thing of yarn and some plastic canvas. Pink punch for those who didn’t like tea, finger sandwiches, and fruit cake. It turned out beautiful.”
Amy said: “Instead of wrapping paper, my mom taught me years ago to use Baby Receiving Blankets to wrap presents! They work great, are usually cheaper than wrapping paper, and are another gift! Everyone loves the idea, and it has been a big hit at all of the baby showers I have been to!”
Katie said: “An awesome, original game my sisters did was to split everyone up into small groups. Hand them a few magazines, they don’t have to be baby magazines. Then give them a large piece of construction paper, tape and some scissors. Have them cut features out of the magazines to make a baby. It could be just a face or a whole baby head to toe. Have the mom-to-be pick which baby she likes the best. That group wins the prize. I kept them all and they were so funny! I think i picked the baby with crazy curly hair (like mine) and high heal shoes. It was a blast!”
Kristina said: “For my shower, my sister in law had a very frugal guest gift idea… she worked the Bath & Body Works Deals to acquire a nice soap for each guest and made really cute tags for them that said “From Our Shower to Yours” on them. How cute is that? Plus each host contributed and gift basket that they put together and they raffled them off.”
Christine said: “I have a venue suggestion. I hosted a baby shower at a local pizza parlor (not a chain). They had a lunch buffet and a back room. All I had to do was decorate and bring game supplies. The owner even gave me a deal on the buffet because I was bringing in so many people. No one had to cook, everyone had what they liked, and no one had to clean up either! Everyone had a blast.”
Pamper Yourself Gift in a Jar… for Mom or Prizes
Amber said: “When we sent out the invites we included a homemade raffle ticket that they had to attach to a package of any size diapers or wipes. We would draw names from those that brought them for a prize and the mom to be got a great start on diapers.
We did a sign on the wall with 5 common words relating to baby and everyone started with a clothespin on their clothes. If you heard someone say one of the no-no words (baby, crib, bottle, labor, poop or whatever you want) you get to take their pin. The person with the most at the end of the party gets a prize.
We also made it a tea party. Made small sandwiches (cream cheese/dill/salmon) (chicken salad) (cool cucumber salad) and had a couple pots of hot water with a selection of teas. We also did a relish and a veggie tray. We ate small petifours for desert. Congratulations and have fun!!”
Melanie said: “Diaper cake! get a few packs of diapers, roll them up rubber band them, then rubber band a group of 5, put 4-5 together for bottom tier, 3 for middle and 1 for top. you can decorate with pacifiers and rattles and such. A great center piece/present for about $20-$35.
Ask guests for a baby photo of themselves or their baby and a cute saying, or some words of wisdom and make a photo book.”
More Fun Baby Shower Ideas on a Budget
Jenn said: “My favorite favor Baby Shower Ideas are to fill empty jars with Homemade Bath Salts. Fill it up and then make a sticker label if you’d like. You can personalize it with “____________’s Baby Shower” and a date or “Welcoming ___________” with the due date or whatever you’d like! You can tie it off with a pretty ribbon or some nice stickers and you’re good to go!
Homemade Bath Salt Recipes
Kim said: “An inexpensive centerpiece is a lollipop bouquet of chocolates. Once the shower is over, give them to your guests as a parting gift. If you know the sex, use blue or pink if not yellow or green chocolate candy melts. Usually the melting chocolates are a very dark hue of colors…always add white to lighten them up OR make them all in a pretty white basket, a piece of styrofoam in the bottom…arrange pops like you would flowers and get some tissue paper or colored paper confetti strips to give it a celebratory look. I’ve used baby bottle molds, ABC molds, “Showers of Happiness” umbrellas, duckies, bunnies, etc.
Also, if you make mini brownies or mini cupcakes, spell out the words “WELCOME TO THE WORLD BABY XXXX”. If you frost the cupcakes in white/yellow, use chocolate or a colored chocolate to go with your theme. If you do chocolate frosting, white chocolate letters or colored. Makes a statement on your table and a nice addition besides a traditional cake. I suggest brownies and white chocolate…no mess with frosting and you don’t take over the “cake”.
Have everyone bring a small appetizer, put someone in charge of punch and one other beverage, coffee and tea. Any close family members can each make something….sausage and peppers, ham, potatoes, salad. Or, a brunch….french toast, fresh fruit, bagels, muffins, bacon and sausage. Easy and fun!”
Easy Breakfast Casserole Recipes
Bridget said: “My sisters and I have started throwing showers during brunch. Egg casseroles, mini muffins and fruit salad to eat. Iced tea, coffee and juice to drink. It is much less expensive than a luncheon or serving finger foods.
For an inexpensive party favor a pink cellophane bag with a popcorn based snack mix (for a girl popcorn, white chocolate Flips, and pink m&m’s) with a tag that reads “She’s About to Pop” and small thank you for attending the baby shower.
Pink candies will be easy to find with Valentine’s Day right around the corner. For decorations we use items like bibs, baby socks, and onesies on clothes lines draped around the room instead of streamers and balloons and other “throw away” decor.”
Alicia said: “My favorite guessing game is to compile a bunch of jar baby foods in only 3 or 4 colors, such as a few orange baby foods, a few green baby foods, a few beige baby foods, etc. Number the jars of baby food and create a list of which number corresponds to which baby food, then remove the labels from the jars. All the guests have to guess which jar is which type of food. They get no hints, they have to just figure it out by themselves. The person with the most correct guesses wins. At the end, tape the labels back on to the jars and give as your gift to the mom!”
Emily said: “For prizes/favors, try Michaels (if you live near one) – they always have cute little things in their dollar bins that are targeted towards women. Also the One Spot at Target, although typically items you find there are geared more for kids. I agree with some of the other posters here – have the decorations double as your gift(s) to the mom-to-be and play games that don’t require you to incur any additional cost.
One activity I like (I know some may find it controversial, but it really helps out the mom-to-be!) is to have all the guests address thank-you note envelopes with their name/address (or you as the hostess could do it beforehand, as well) and then put them all in a bowl. Then you can draw one or more out for prizes. Kind of like a raffle.
One inexpensive but fun/festive thing I like to have at parties is dipping chocolate w/marshmallows, bananas, pound cake and maybe strawberries (although strawberries in the winter are pricey). The dipping chocolate you can get in the baking aisle of any grocery store and it’s only a couple of dollars for one container. Marshmallows and bananas are very inexpensive. You could make your own pound cake (or some other firm cake) or buy a frozen one. Everyone seems to like dipping things in chocolate! ”
Tamara said: “I’m having a shower for my daughter in law very soon. My theme is vintage. Lots of lace (doilies) and balloons hanging from ceiling with a marble in them so they hang still. Make a banner out of doilies. Spray sticks from yard and pine cones white and pink ( or blue) tulle is cheap for bows. So many nature themes things to do. My invites asked everyone to bring an unwrapped gift for the mom’s clothes line. Also bring a book to add to babies reading nook! Homemade food such as pasts salad and tortillia roll ups are very cheap. I’m making the cupcakes too. It means more that way. We are only doing words of wisdom in place of games. By the time we look at all the books and hang the clothes it will be time to go. You’re only talking 2 hrs!”
Cherry Vanilla Party Punch Recipe
Easy Blue Baby Shower Punch Recipe
Tracy said: “An inexpensive activity idea: I am planning my son’s now, I’m planning to buy a couple dozen cupcakes without frosting or decorations. After other activities, mom and dad get a bit to rest while the guests decorate the cupcakes. Then we can select the favorite cupcake as “best in show”, who’s creator wins a prize then we eat them! Game, rest, and “cake” all in one.”
Lahni said: “I take cheap/clearance/cute baby bottles, take the nipples off, tie a pretty ribbon around where the nipple ring would go, and use them as vases… a few roses, trimmed up, go in each baby bottle, and then decorate throughout the party with them.. very very pretty effect and very cheap.”
Celeste said: “My sister placed mints in bottles. An icebreaker we had was Hot Potato. We gathered all the guests in a circle and tossed a Baby Doll (I know it may sound mean, but it was funny because everyone was trying to gently toss it but at the same time win) – it was a great icebreaker!”
Book Themed Baby Shower
Roxanne said: “When it was time for my son’s baby shower, the idea I had was so original, I couldn’t believe it was mine. hehe I have always loved reading, so I decided to have a book shower.
I had everyone bring a book from their childhood that was special to them, then had them write their name and why it wa special. Not everyone was able to find a book, and some brought clothing too. Others brought books that they enjoyed with their own children. I was able to amass a collection that would have been very pricey to buy myself. The books hold more meaning than a cute little onesie ever could.
As for decorations, the sky’s the limit if you want to go with a book theme. I didn’t do a book themed game as I was not the hostess, but you could try book Jeapordy based on Dr. Seuss or other very common books. Yes, I did just think that up. 🙂 ”
Carrie said: “For a baby shower I hosted for my friend, we had a Guess That Celebrity parent game. I took old US Weekly and People magazines and cut out the baby pictures and numbered them (also with numbers from magazines) on a piece of poster board. I turned the board over and each guest had paper and pen. They had maybe 60 seconds to write down as many “celebrity parents” they could. I had some easy pictures that everyone could guess and some were harder that only a few guessed. It was super fun and super cheap!”
How to Wrap Baby Shower Favors with Doilies
DIY Party Napkins
Here’s an easy party napkin trick for customizing your napkins… with rubber stamps! Grab your favorite stamps and an ink pad to create your own personalized napkins on solid paper napkins!
Corinne writes: “I’ve done this and also use embossing powder and heat to set them. It does not come off.”
Meredith said: “The last baby shower I threw, we made the cake from scratch. We styled it to match her bedding. We also made cake pops for the favors. It was a huge hit, the mom to be was thrilled we put so much effort into it and the guests loved their favors. We also made most of the food, but there were 3 of us hosting and that made splitting up the tasks easier.”
Jaymie said: “We recently held a shower for a coworker at work. We held a ‘She’s About to Pop’ theme. So fun and relaxed. We served popcorn, popscicles, tootsiepops. We did brownies and chips and dip too.- not in the theme. You can stay in the theme with soda pop and cake pops! You can decorate with balloons and bottles of bubbles that you can personalize. We also made a pop art poster. 🙂 I hope to use this again theme again soon.”
Judy said: “Just went to a baby shower yesterday and we played a fun game. Hostess had little candy bars, which were answers to baby questions, example hos much does it cost to have a baby? 100 grand candy was answer. Baby giggles, Snickers…the women who it was for has big babies, so Whoppers was answer for size of baby…. something about breast feeding was Milky Way. If you are creative, you could do this or maybe find it on a web site. For favors, they had Starbursts wrapped in tissue paper, with the saying, we are bursting with joy for your new star.”
Nancilee said: “We are planning a baby shower and we are planning on making a scrapbook for the mother, instead of games. The guests get to decorate a page and it’s more relaxing.”
Alex said: “Here are some ideas for decorating and food. I did a natural theme. I collected many different types of clear glass vases from friends. In each vase I filled with mardigras silver, pearl, and blue bead necklaces (I live in New Orleans so this made it free, you could use some pretty marbles or even river stones). I spray painted branches white that I got from the yard (take leaves off or leave on) and stuck them in the vases.
Then, I traced the outline of baby related shapes on cardstock (baby bottles, rubber ducky, teddy bear, baby rattle, and an old school type stroller) cut them out, made a hole, tied a loop with pretty (cheap) ribbon, and hung them on the tree (or you could use a Cricut and save a lot of time!) The ornaments can be later used for a game where people would have to collect as many as they can or not have any at all.
I did a pot-luck. It was at a church so I really had to decorate to warm things up. I used some white plastic tablecloths from the Dollar Store (or borrow some) and covered the food tables. Under the tablecloth I put sturdy boxes ranging in size in random spots. Food was placed on the table and on top of the boxes (this added heigth and definition. I added a few before mentioned vases on the food tables and laid throughout randomly some ice cycle lights.
Next, I did streamers in a centric pattern for the ceiling. I spray painted a bird’s nest white and gave each person a blank 3×5 card and a pen–each person wrote down advice for the mother (you could make it funny) and then place the cards in the nest for the mom to keep words of wisdom and encouragement. The best thing I did was to appoint someone to help with the shower. I was good at decorating but a friend of mine wanted to do the games. We split the responsibilities and that helped a lot with stress.
A great looking and tasting drink is sweet iced tea with lemon wedges and blueberries floating on top, lemon and strawberries work well too! All in all I spent $30. On a budget the best thing to do is to come up with a theme, look at your friends and pull together your resources. What are you good at, what you are not good at, which of your friends is good at what you’re not, ask them to help. What they contribute can be put in a card and they can say what they contributed to the party as their present. I hope this helps.”
Creative Coffee Gift Card Holders
Sonita said: “Have it at someone’s house. This saves rental fees. Borrow anything you or the host house doesn’t have.
Make your own invitations-or send electronic invites. Design your own, or use a free service or even just FB-only send paper invites to people without internet (usually older people)
Shop as far ahead of time as you can for plates, decorations, etc. Shop deals or dollar stores. Alternate a print (cups, plates, napkins, etc) with a matching solid color. I do this for my kids’ birthday parties. Like for a spiderman theme I’ll buy one pack of spiderman plates, cups, napkins, etc-then just use plain matching blue or red plates, napkins, etc. Solid colors are much cheaper than prints.
Let your gift be be things you can decorate with. Like my mom’s gift at one of my baby showers was a gift basket full of baby wash, cute bibs, baby lotion, baby wash cloths, loose diapers, etc-it was also the centerpiece for the table.
Make your own games. One our family favs is take a few of those diapers (remember they are put in the gift basket loose)and smear them with condiments you have on hand or candy bars. Blindfold guest and have them try to identify by smell. DO NOT MICROWAVE DIAPERS WITH CANDYBARS-THEY WILL START A FIRE! LOL Melt the candy bars then then put in the diapers. Or use things like ketchup, mustard, vinegar, vanilla flavoring, or make your own gross concoction
My mom always wins the ‘don’t say the word baby’ game. Buy a pack of clothes pins (or safety pins) give out when guest arrive. If you use the word “baby” whoever catches you first gets your pin-at the end of the shower the one with the most pins wins.
cheap game idea: Make a list of things moms often have in their purse. Have guest search their purse for items-one with most items wins. Things like Kleenex, nail clippers, pen/paper, quarters (for gum machines), a toy, candy, band-aid, etc
A ball of yarn, string or roll of toilet paper for guest to guess how big mommy’s tummy is.
A nice memento for the mom and baby-buy a box of blank cards. You’ll need one card per guest. Open them and place a blank card in each envelope. Label each envelope with a # then birthday (ex-1st birthday, 21st birthday, 40th birthday, etc). You may want to just do major birthdays for small showers or start at 10 or 15 or 21) Randomly give each guest a card to fill out for the child to open on that birthday. You may wish to plan it by letting grandmas or great grandmas get the oldest birthdays-since they may not be around by the time the child reaches say 40. It will be nice for the baby to see what a person thought they might need to know at age 21 before they were born.
Buy a nice, small journal for mom. Address it to the baby. Like a baby book but on a smaller scale-tell mom just to write stories about everyday life instead of big events. Like daily routines at different ages, cute things they say and do through the years that never make it to the baby book or scrapbook, etc.
hand out 3 x 5 cards and allow each guest to fill out words of wisdom for mom. You can punch with a hole punch and tie with ribbon to make a ‘flip book’ on the spot after the shower.
Make the food yourself and have the shower between meal times so you can serve snacks instead of a meal (over by noon or from 2-4). You’ll save a ton of money. Keep the food simple. You don’t have to offer a ton of options, 1-2 sweet things, 1-2 salty things and a couple of beverage choices is fine. Or have a pot luck!
For prizes-dollar tree. No one goes to baby showers to win prizes, it’s just a token gesture. So a $1 gift is fine.”
DIY 2-Tiered Party Tray
Courtenay said: “I just recently threw a baby shower for my best friend from high school (who is having a girl.) Her sister and I got all of the decorations and most of the food from the Dollar Tree (they have TONS of adorable decorations, and the drinks and food are sometimes better tasting than a store brand!)
We held it at her mom’s house since she is from out of state. We also sent out invitations via facebook instead of mailing them. This is also very handy if you don’t have access to addresses for all of the guests.
It is very possible to be on a budget, I believe we spent less than $40 on the entire thing! Just have fun with it and be creative!!!
Baby Shower Favors
At the end of the party, pass out wrapped candy bars in pink or blue as a sweet little party favor for guests as they leave!
Baby Gender Reveal Party Ideas
Baby Gender Reveal Parties are such a FUN way to share the big news with friends and family!
Monica said: “I put white stickers on a canvas that said “It’s a Girl”, so “It’s a Girl” was covered. Then I took pictures of our other kids painting the canvas blue and pink (you could not see the stickers). Next I took pictures of them peeling the stickers off (just enough to where it didnt give it away). Then took a picture of them holding the finished product – the canvas revealed that said “It’s a Girl”. I also made a video out of it.”
Team Blue Team Pink Reveal Party
- Have guests attend the party wearing either Pink or Blue. (In the invites… explain that they’ll need to wear Pink if they think it’s a girl, or Blue if they think it’s a boy.)
- Tally up votes at the party for Team Pink vs. Team Blue.
- Then, have fun little goodies, so the each member of the winning team can take home a little prize or treat!
Silly String Baby Reveal
- Molly said: “We did a silly string reveal!”
- Purchase cans of Silly String in pink (if you’re having a girl), or blue (if you’re having a boy).
- Then cover the outside of the cans in brown paper, so your guests won’t know what color they are.
- Near the end of the party, head outside and have each guest grab a can.
- On the count of 3, have the guests go wild and start spraying.
- They’ll instantly notice you’ve got a girl-on-the-way once they see all of the Silly String is pink, or they’ll know it’s a boy if they see all the Silly String is blue!
More Baby Shower Drink Ideas
30 Party Punch Recipes
Crockpot Hot Chocolate
More Baby Shower Food Ideas
7 Easy Crockpot Dips
Deviled Egg Recipe with Bacon
Crockpot Bacon Wrapped Smokies
Overnight Breakfast Sausage & Egg Casserole
Crockpot Cheesy Bacon Hashbrowns
More Baby Shower Gift Ideas
Free Baby Stuff for Expecting Mothers
I absolutely LOVE this huge list of fun freebies for Baby and New Moms! I’ve given so many of these adorable products as presents… and they really make the BEST Baby Shower Gifts!
Flower Hair Clips and Headbands Tutorial
How to Make Hair Clippies for Babies and Little Girls
Free Crochet Pattern for Baby
No-Sew Fleece Blanket Tutorial
Let’s not forget about Momma! Check out these creative New Mom Gift Ideas for fun gifts she’ll love and use!
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Got some fun Baby Shower Ideas, decoration tips, food ideas, etc.??
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Lyla Morris says
Ohhh! 39 Outstanding Baby Shower Favor Ideas, Such a great list you have introduced with the price guide and the required information. thank you for the awesome post!
Donald Orchard says
Love baby shower ideas !!!