Did you know it takes just 4 simple ingredients to make this easy Homemade Laundry Detergent Powder Recipe? This is THE recipe you’ve been looking for, and it will save you so much money!
Following is a Homemade Cleaner Recipe and guest
post by The Real Thing with the Coake Family… enjoy!!
Here are the top tips for success you NEED to know before you make your own detergent at home…
Carie writes: “I’ve been making this for years… it’s easy – everyone should. The savings is crazy!”
If you’re like me, you have read other posts about making your own laundry detergent. I read them and I read how the people writing them said it was so easy to make. But I didn’t believe them.
I guess I am skeptical. It just seemed like it would be hard or time consuming to make your own Homemade Laundry Detergent Powder.
Of course for me, a project like this requires a call to my best friend to discuss it before actually completing the project, right? Do you do that or is that just me? My best friend had made her own detergent a while ago and had told me how easy it was.
I still didn’t believe it.
However, I chatted with her for a while about the concept. If you search the internet for laundry detergent recipes, you will find that there are two variations. There is a liquid form or a powdered form. Heidi has shared her liquid version here on The Frugal Girls: How to Make Liquid Laundry Detergent.
I decided to make a Homemade Laundry Detergent Powder form of homemade detergent.
I had everything I needed on hand. So I hung up the phone and proceeded to make a small batch of homemade laundry detergent. I finally used the Fels-Naptha my mom gave me when I got married, 13 years ago.
Literally 10 minutes later, I was done and back on the phone with my best friend, telling her how crazy easy that was! She of course said something along the lines of, “I told you so.” But what are best friends for, right!?
Here’s what you will need to make your own powdered laundry detergent. I’ve made two versions of this ‘recipe’.
A small batch and a large batch.
The ingredients are the same either way…
How Do You Make Cheap Laundry Powder?
Grate your soap (Fels-Naptha in my case). It will look just like cheese, but it won’t taste like it so don’t eat it…hehe! I thought the soap looked too large and wanted it smaller so I made sure I got equal amounts in each load.
Put your soap in your food processor or blender. Blend to a fine or smaller consistency. Yes, it is fine to use a grater and blender that you will use for food again
Just make sure you wash them well. I thought it was weird and a little gross too, but this detergent is natural (except for the fragrance in the soap). So it won’t harm you.
Note: In the pictures below I was making the small batch. You see I have all the ingredients in the food processor. You don’t need to put everything in the food processor, only the soap. I just did everything the first time.
For my large batch, we only processed the soap.
What is the Formula for Making Detergent Powder?
Mix all your ingredients together.
If you are making the small batch, just put them in your container and shake. We found that for the large batch, putting all the ingredients in a trash bag and using my hands on the outside of the bag to mix things up worked well.
Imagine mixing like you would if you were making shake and bake something, only on a larger scale. I think it would also work if you had a large clean bucket or trash can.
You could use some type of large spoon to mix things up. I didn’t have any kind of large spoon, so the trash bag worked well.
Put your laundry detergent in whatever container you plan to use. You are done! That was so easy.
Use 2 tablespoons per load.
We have been using this laundry detergent for a little over a month now. It seems to work as well as what I was using in the past. To be honest, I really can’t tell any difference. I was using the Eco-friendly detergent from Costco in the past.
So I started with the small batch and usually do one load of laundry every day. The small batch lasted me 1 month. I just started using the large batch. I don’t know how long it will last yet.
My guess is that it will last about 6 months.
This detergent is low to no suds, so it is safe for HE washing machines.
Homemade Laundry Detergent Powder Recipe
Related: 50 Homemade Cleaners Recipes That Actually Work! (Surprisingly Easy)
What is Powdered Laundry Detergent Made of?
You’ll just need these few basic ingredients to make your own powdered laundry detergent…
- Baking Soda
- Borax Powder
- Fels Naptha Soap, Zote, or Ivory Bar Soap
- Super Washing Soda
For the large batch recipe, you’ll want to have a trash bag and large bucket on hand, too.

How Do You Make Homemade Laundry Powder?
It’s actually so simple! Here’s what you’ll do…
- Grate the Soap
- Mix the ingredients
- Use 2 tablespoons per load
So how EASY is that?!?
Can I Use Homemade Laundry Detergent in My HE Washer?
The key is to use a low-suds detergent in HE washers. I’ve personally been using homemade laundry detergent in my HE Washer successfully for years!
This homemade powder laundry soap is low to no suds, so it is safe for HE washing machines.
Where to Put Powder Detergent
- For a Front Loader: Sprinkle into the detergent drawer
- For a Top Loader: Add it to the drum before adding your clothes
What Do You Store Powder Detergent In?
Powder detergent can be stored in a variety of containers or dispensers.
- In the Cupboard: If you’ll be storing your detergent in a cupboard, you can use a durable plastic container with lid. Rubbermaid and Tupperware containers can work great for this.
- On the Counter: If you’ll be storing your detergent on the counter, a pretty glass container with pop-off lid can look lovely while being functional at the same time!
Homemade Laundry Detergent Powder Reviews
What Your Frugal Friends Are Saying About This Homemade Laundry Detergent Powder…
Monique writes: “I have been making for a long time. Cleans well and so much cheaper.”
Nani writes: “Works amazing.”
Jennifer writes: “Easy, economical and I loved the option of trying a small batch. Thanks!”
Debby writes: “It’s the best laundry soap I’ve ever used. And even with my family of 5, I only spend about $25 a YEAR on it.”
Tammy writes: “I find my clothes are much softer using homemade soap as well.”
Carie writes: “I’ve been making this for years…it’s easy – everyone should . The savings is crazy!”
Small Batch Homemade Laundry Detergent
- 1 Cup Borax
- 6 – 8 oz. Fels Naptha (you can even pre-treat stains with Fels Naptha!)
- 1 Cup baking soda
- 1 Cup Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda
- Grate the soap.
- Put the soap in the food processor or blender and process to a smaller consistency(optional).
- Add the additional ingredients. Mix.
- Use 2 Tablespoons per load of laundry.
What Does Borax Do for Laundry?
Well, put simply… Borax in homemade laundry soap helps to remove stains, brighten whites.

Large Batch Homemade Laundry Detergent
- 1 box Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda (3lbs 7 oz)
- 1 large box Baking Soda (4 lbs)
- box Borax (4lbs 12 oz)
- 3 bars Fels Naptha (5 oz. per bar, 15 oz. total) (or 15 oz. of other soap you prefer, like Ivory)
- Grate the 3 bars of Fels-Naptha (or Ivory).
- Process them through a food processor or blender to a smaller consistency (optional).
- Place all ingredients in a trash bag or large bucket. Mix.
- Use 2 Tablespoons per load.
Searching for more Easy Homemade Cleaners? Be sure to check out this Liquid Laundry Detergent, too!

Homemade Laundry Detergent Cost Comparison
To help you compare how much you’re spending on regular detergent vs. homemade laundry detergent, here’s what the cost was to make the LARGE batch:
- 1 box Arm & Hammer Super Washing Powder – $3.15
- 4lb box of Baking Soda – $2.12
- 1 box Borax – $3.39
- 3 bars Fels-Naptha – $2.91
Total for large batch $11.57. If it lasts me my projected 6 months or 180 loads, that will be $0.06 per load!
Works for me!
K Coake is a stay at home mom to two cuties who are 10 and 5. She loves running, reading, scrapbooking, Starbucks, hiking, cooking, picnics, pretending to be crafty, and having fun with her family. She blogs about scrapbooking, making cards, birthday parties for her girls, running, cooking, and all manner of fun things. You can follow along on Pinterest.
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So have you tried making this Homemade Laundry Detergent Powder recipe yet?
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Adrienne says
Hi, thanks for the recipe. Just FYI, instead of the baking soda, I am using scented epsom salts which is scented with essential oils. Works just as good and you get a great scent from it.
Heidi says
Thanks for sharing your tips, Adrienne!
Ellie says
Has anybody added essential
Oil to the dry detergent and how much of it
Heidi says
Hi Ellie ~yes, you can definitely add a few drops of your favorite essential oil scent into the powder and stir well. 🙂
Christie says
Just amazing! I will have to try this because I’m frankly so tired of wasting money on cleaning products. so thank you again!
Heidi says
Oh yes… you definitely should try making some. It’s amazing how much money this one simple trick will save! 🙂
Liz Collins says
I’ve been using homemade laundry soap (liquid) for years and I love it. Yes its safe for septic tanks (that’s what we have) and it’s safe for HE machines. As for my dishwasher, I sprinkle baking soda on the open door and add a couple of drops of Dawn in the detergent cup. I use vinegar as a rinse agent and my dishes come out squeaky clean and grease free!
Hillary says
I seen several people ask without reply, so I’m asking again. Does anyone know how the powdered detergent works with septic tanks?
Lj says
Be very very VERY sure if you use the blender/processor for food it is pristine clean. Just because something is natural doesn’t make it safe. Washing soda has a pH of 11 which is harmful if ingested; not too mention Borax can also be used as a pesticide (says it right there on the box)
Amy says
Is the home made laundary detergent save for H E washers I would like to make the powder detergent ?
Stephanie says
I put the dry ingredient detergent directly on my clothes of my front load washer. I also added a generous amount of Epsom salt to the mix as a softener AND I use vinegar (mixed with natural scented oil) into my fabric softener space.
I will need to add a stain stick to my routine.
Gwen says
Stephanie, you can use a bar of fels naptha for a stain stick. Just wet your stain and rub it with the bar.
Fran Brown says
I made the homemade detergent. When I was looking for the Fels- Naptha soap, I found Zote flakes. Much better than having to grate soap! I love my homemade detergent!
Gwen says
Fran I love Zote soap, but I haven’t seen it in flakes! Can’t wait to check my store for it! No more grating!
Sarah says
How many bars of soap should I grate if I am using “zote” soap?
Deby says
You should use 2 bars of “Zote” soap if you are replacing it for the Fels-Naptha. I prefer the “Zote” soap over the Fels-Naptha, myself. I love the smell. I use this recipe for my front loader HE washer. If you use vinegar in your rinse cycle you will notice that it will keep it much cleaner around your rubber gasket. I cleaned up around my rubber gasket prior to using this laundry detergent and started using vinegar in my rinse and I never get the build up around my rubber gasket anymore that front loaders are famous for. I will never go back to a store bought detergent again.
Kendra says
Deby- do you out the laundry soap in with the clothes or in the ‘detergent’ spot?
Deby says
I add the detergent with my clothes. I am not sure if it would clog in the detergent dispenser.
Alicia Lucy says
What is Fels-Naptha?
Amanda says
A laundry bar soap find it in laundry aisle. Wal-Mart,dollar generals and some grocery stores.
Esther S says
For those of us who live in other countries, can someone please tell us the WEIGHT of the bars of soap you are recommending? That way we can find a healthy alternative without having the expense of having Amazon ship Fels Naphta overseas…
Thanks 🙂
Heidi says
Hi Esther,
Fels-Naptha is 5 oz. per bar, so if making the large batch you would need 15 oz. total. You can also substitute another bar soap if you’d prefer. Ivory is another common one we use. Hope that helps! 🙂
Maya O'Connell says
I make this laundry soap as well. I still have 8 children home and the large batch lasts about 3 months. I also add 2 containers of Oxy Clean Powder (store brand) as well. I use 1 – 1 1/2 Tbs per load and add 1/2 cup vinegar to the rinse cycle.
Geneva Walker says
I have been using a similar recipe for 3-4 years. I love the smell it leaves in my clothes.
I grate the soap about a week before I am going to run a batch, the drying makes it cut finer when I put it thru my food processor.
Lisa says
Is the homemade laundry detergent safe for septic tanks?
Lisa says
Is the laundry soap/detergent safe for septic tanks?
what about liquid laundry soap…any recipes yet
love your site
Heidi says
Aww ~ thank you, Yaya!
If you’re looking for a liquid laundry soap, here is a link to my favorite Homemade Liquid Laundry Detergent Recipe:
Hope that helps!
cora says
hi i have came across great deal on powder laundry det.
i was wandering if you can put in couple of scoops of det.
and fill remainder with water in a plastic ccontainer
shake it well to make your laundery det. last longer.
and would it work just a good
of course i know i made liquid verion of it
Aryn Canada says
When you say “any other soap” what do you mean?
April says
Jessica says
I tried this and it works great even got my husbands gross military coveralls clean, but if I don’t put it on hot I get bits of soap stuck all over the clothes. Am I just not grating it enough or do you have to use hot water to get the soap bits to dissolve? I like that it’s cheap and doesn’t have all the nasty chemicals but I don’t want my electric bill to go up just because I want to make my own laundry detergent. Any suggestions?
Amanda says
Predissolve the 2 tbsp of detergent in about 1 cup of hot water and mix well. We had the same issue with an HE front loader and this method works fine. I still presoak even with this method.
Rachel says
Jessica, it sounds like your soap may not be grated to small enough pieces. The pieces in my detergent are real small. I put the soap in first and run warm water in just enough to soak the soap before I put the clothes in. I never get pieces of soap left on my clothes and it works wonderful!
Gwen says
Jessica, I agree with Rachel that your soap may not be small enough. I chop mine in my blender, so it is very fine. I just use cold water and put my detergent in first with the clothes on top. I never have soap left on my clothes. I love this stuff!
alicia says
my question is.. did you put the dry version of the homemade detergent in while the tub was filling up with water? and does the felsnap (when made into little chunks) disolve quickly? so as not to have chunks stuck to the clothes?
Miranda says
I make my own laundry soap as well. But I use a “no grate” liquid recipe. I find that it works just as well and takes a lot less time to make:
Kristi says
Can this be used in a front load washer?
K Coake says
I have been told, yes. I don’t have a front load washer, so I don’t personally know. But everything I have heard and read is that it is perfectly fine for a front load and/or HE washer.
Carolyn Lanier says
I have a front loading washer, and I use about 2 tablespoons, I just throw it in with the load of laundry, and it does great. I have had this recipe for about a year.
Ruth Eubanks says
For your dry laundry soap I see that you also add Baking soda, other recipes I’ve seen do not call for Baking Soda and say “make sure you use Washing soda and Not Baking soda”. Is it o.k. to use both in a batch of powdered soap? Thanks
K Coake says
I’m using both and my detergent works fine. I think they are slightly different, though I know the box of super washing soda says it contains sodium bicarbonate(Baking soda). So, I’m not sure how they are different. Anyway, I am using both and it works well for us. I am a runner, so I have some pretty stinky clothes, so I figure the more baking soda the better. 😉
Amanda says
Typos..apologise for them . washing soda acts as cleaners,brightener a, baking soda a,deodorizer, low sudsing,
Rinsed cleaner smells like nothing unless adding optional s.
Beatrice Nieves says
My husband and son have sensitive skin. Currently I use any of the laundry soaps that are fragrance free, so my questions is can I use this recipe for their sensitive skin? If not do you know of a recipe that will work for me?
K Coake says
Yes, it would work great for sensitive skin. My recommendation would be to use a different soap, other than the Fels Naptha. You can substitute any soap that works for you or the sensitive skin and replace it for the Fels Naptha. I read about one mom using an organic all natural soap from whole foods that had no fragrance and no dye. Worked great for her. HTH
CL says
I have used Dr. Bronner’s castile soap (the bar version) for this because I love the smell of the peppermint version and figured I’d give it a shot. It’s a bit pricier than Fels Naptha, but still considerably less expensive than store-bought detergents…even the generics.
Beth says
You could use the ivory soap. However, I have made the liquid version of this recipe and used the Fels Naptha bar of soap and had no problems. My daughter and I both have sensitive skin and this does not bother us at all. I believe that it rinses cleaner than any store bought laundry soap.
Be blessed!
Anne Bratcher says
Or use the castile bar soap
Paula Bunnell says
where do you get the castile bar soap from
Janie says
HI! just wanted to add to your recipe… I used the smaller tub of OxiClean to this and a bottle of the Purex Crystals that were yellow… it works great and gives it a boost! I used a really fine blade on my grater to achive a really small grated soap, but I think your idea of the processer is great too.! I will try that next too!!
Lori says
Did you add a whole tub and whole bottle to the small or large batch?
Trice says
When I make it I add SEVERAL tubes (like 2-3) but I mke 8 pounds of homemade soap as a base. Laundry detergent day is a BIG DEAL in our house because it only happens TWICE A YEAR! Yippppeeeee! I make a tube that hold folders and fil-er-up batch by batch. As a Country-girl-wannabe I have become quite the creator of things like yourself. I really enjoyed your post. Well gotta go make some soap.(Slip-slidin-out)