You’ll love using this easy tip for How to Make Foaming Dish Soap!
Then… save even more money when you try this fabulously frugal Foaming Hand Soap Trick!
How to Make Foaming Dish Soap
I’ve got a Genius Kitchen Tip that will make you look so clever! How to Make Foaming Dish Soap using liquid soap!
If you love saving money on things you use everyday, you’re really going to love this foaming dish soap.
Using this method for making foaming dish soap will allow one bottle of dish soap to last so much longer. That also means you won’t be shopping for dish soap very often.
Cha-ching! That’s the sound of you saving money on dish soap!
Making your own Homemade Cleaners, including this foaming soap, is always smart. Not only will you almost always save a bunch of money, but you’ll also know exactly what goes into the cleaners you use everyday.
I have personally used this foaming soap hack for years and highly recommend it.
Trust me, you really need to give this DIY Foaming Dish Soap Refill a try.
Sometimes it’s shocking how easy it is to save money!! 🙂
Here’s what you need to do…
Related: How to Score Walmart Deals (20 Secret Tips)
Can You Turn Dish Soap Into Foaming Soap?
Yes, you sure can! Foaming dish soap is simply full strength dish soap + water, placed into a foaming soap dispenser.
I told you it was EASY! 🙂
Foaming Dish Soap Supplies Needed
- Empty, Clean Foaming Soap Dispenser (you can even use old Bath & Body Works bottles)
- Liquid Dish Soap
- Water
Foaming Dish Soap Ratio
To make your foaming dish soap refill, you’ll want to use a 4:1 ratio.
So that will be 4 parts water to 1 part dish soap.
Foaming Dish Soap Reviews
What Your Frugal Friends Are Saying About This Foaming Dish Soap Detergent…
Cheryl writes: “I use this all the time. Saving lots of money.”
Helen writes: “Ive been doing this for years!!!”
Jill writes: “Worked great!”
Teresa writes: “I have done this for years… I buy Dawn by the gallon at Costco, then the foaming dish soap is super cheap that way!!”
Jenine writes: “I will never buy foaming soap again. This is perfect. So many options now”
Nacha writes: “I am so grateful for this quick fix for foaming dish soap! Now that I am an empty nester I never have more than a couple of dirty dishes. This “recipe” is perfect!”
How to Make Foaming Dish Soap (DIY Refill Hack)
- Fill your clean and empty foaming soap dispenser 1/5 of the way up with dish soap. )I use Dawn Blue dish soap)
- Then slowly fill your dispenser up the rest of the way with water.
- Screw on the lid, and tilt slowly from side to side to combine the mixture.
Thanks to frugal friend Tammy for sharing this great tip!
Tammy writes: “I bought a Dawn Direct Foam pump for my dish washing soap a long time ago. Now I just purchase regular dish soap with my coupons and sales (usually free), and then refill it!
Just fill the direct foam bottle 20% of the way with soap then the other 80% with water. Then, stir it very gently so you don’t make bubbles in the bottle. It seriously stretches the life of my dish soap!!”
Now… I put this to the test, and guess what… I absolutely love it!
I’ve made it over and over and over again… and it’s the only thing I use for hand washing my dishes now! I like to buy the Dawn dish soap in bulk at Sam’s Club and stock up when it’s on sale.
Then I make a new batch whenever mine runs out… and it costs just pennies!
It’s just like my favorite trick for making Homemade Foaming Hand Soap! You’ll definitely want to try making some of that, too!
So just trust me… you really need to give this foaming dish soap DIY a try. It’s such a simple way to save so much money on dish soap, and it works great!
I’ve personally found that simple tips like this foaming dish soap tip are some of the easiest tips to use consistently.
It’s just a matter of having an empty foaming pump bottle available to use!
Now sometimes I’ve found that the pump on the dish soap dispenser will wear out after a few years of use.
To replace it, you can either purchase another Dawn Foam Pump or just use your leftover foaming hand soap pump dispensers from Bath and Body Works!
So wasn’t that easy?
More Frugal Tips and Tricks
Now that you know how to make foaming dish soap, be sure to check out more frugal tips and tricks below…
Bath and Body Works Coupons & Sale Hacks
Stock up on your favorite lotions, candles, soaps and more with these Bath and Body Works Coupons and Sale Hacks that will save you SO much money!
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DIY Foaming Hand Soap Trick
I. Love. Fluffy Soap! It’s true ~ I love the foaming suds… but not the price.
Homemade Foaming Baby Wash
Babies are so adorable… and kinda expensive, yikes! That means saving some money on your baby wash is a really smart idea!
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You won’t believe how easy it is to make your own hand sanitizer using this DIY Hand Sanitizer Recipe!
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How to Clean your Dishwasher
Even though your dishwasher is used for cleaning… it has a way of building up residue from dishsoap, grime, and developing streaks on the interior door.
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So have you tried this trick for How to Make Foaming Dish Soap yet?
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MB says
Thank you for this info. I’ve been trying to find a nicer pump bottle now that we have our new kitchen counters. At first I ordered a pump from Etsy that fits over a mason jar and that looks really nice but after a couple months, the paint stared flaking off the top of the pump. (It was described as stainless steel but it was really white plastic that the seller had painted.) So it looks terrible now and I already threw out the Dawn foaming dish soap bottle. Do you have any suggestions where to buy a good foaming dish soap container that looks nice and won’t break right away? I’ve looked online and most get bad reviews. I tried using an empty foaming hand soap container but the pump keeps getting stuck down, which never happened with the Dawn containers.
Heidi says
Hi MB ~ Lately I have actually been using the Bath & Body Works foaming soap containers for dish soap in the kitchen. If the pump is sticking, try adding your dish soap, then filling it half way with water, shake it to combine, then fill it the rest of the way with water, and shake again. Hope that helps! 🙂
Kathy Olmstead says
I just came upon your website by trying to find out if I could use regular Dawn in the foaming dispenser thanks for all the tips I usually have to water mine down anyway for my boyfriend cuz he uses way too much this is a great idea with the foaming now I got to get a foaming dispenser for his house thank you
Heidi says
You’re very welcome, Kathy… so glad you found this tip helpful! 🙂
Kathleen Castanon says
I am collecting my ingredients and plan on making this soon. I found lavender castille bar soap. Do you think that will be ok since I’m using lavender essential oil?
Heidi says
Hi Kathleen ~ I honestly haven’t ever tried using the lavender castille bar soap, but if you do… let us know how it turns out!
Denise says
Thank you! I couldn’t seem to get the right ratio, so I went back to buying the Platinum Erasing Dish Foam refills. But as often as not, it’s not even in stock.
Dianne says
Thank you for sharing these wonderful easy recipes! I just ran into my kitchen and bathroom, pulled out what I needed, and boom! I am now set for the next year in just hand soap and fish detergent!! I make my own soap, laundry soap, and now……anything soap! Thanks again! SUDSINGLY HAPPY!!!
Heidi says
Aww ~ you’re very welcome, Dianne! So glad you’re enjoying the diy recipes! 😉
april says
Thanks so much for the idea of this. It works perfectly. I’m so excited and actually didnt mind doing the dishes bc I it was working so good. You just made this chic a very happy girl.
Heidi says
Aww ~ you’re very welcome, April! 😉
Judy says
I made a gallon of liquid hand soap. If I remember correctly, itcost me about10 or 12 dollars. With a foam dispenser it will probably last me, at least a couple years. Now that cheap! It smells wonderful, too. I used lavender essential oil. There is also glycerin in it, so my hands feel nice & soft after using it. Can’t wait to try it with a foam dispenser.
Sherri from Indiana says
I’ve been making my own refills of foaming dish soap for awhile now by refilling my Dawn dispenser with just a little bit of dish soap and then filling up the rest of the container with water. It foams wonderfully well but I notice that the dish water does not remain sudsy for long. Does anyone else have this problem? Am I doing something wrong?
SherryBerry says
This is not to use in a sink of dishes. The foam is for hand washing your dish. If you have a full load and fill the sink you use the Dawn full strength. The foam helps keep up on your dishes. It would be hard for a housefull but for those who have a few dishes it is the BEST.
Fiona says
I live in New Zealand, we don’t have Dawn dishwasher products, what is an alternative ?
MelindaB says
I do this all the time for my hand soap–I buy dish soap in a color that coordinates with the bathroom, then put it in a pump and add the water. Good idea to put the water in first, so the heavier soap can trickle down.
Diane S says
When I need additional hand sanitizing properties from my foaming hand soap, I use alcohol in place of the water. Good when people have colds.
Barbara Mizzell says
This is one of my FAVORITE money saving ideas. I’ve been doing it for years. Our teenagers friends couldn’t believe we made our own soap but now their parents have started doing it too. I guess saving money is contagious.
Lori Taylor says
I’m so glad I found this post. I ran out of foaming dish soap and haven’t been able to find any at the store. Now I dont have to worry about it. Thanks
Heidi says
You’re very welcome, Lori… have fun making your own foaming dish soap! 😉
~ Heidi
Cindy says
I just tried an empty foaming handwash dispenser like you would buy at the grocery store. Works fine!
Donna says
Found your wonderful idea and I am hooked on it now.
I did add a few drops of perfume and it smells great!
Mary says
Hi Heidi – I don’t know how I missed your Homemade Foaming Hand Soap Post! I added a link to your Chic & Crafty Party showing the same thing…then saw your post, so I just removed my link. I have to say, this is my FAVORITE trick. I go through so much hand soap in my kitchen – this is one of the biggest $ savers. I’m going to have to try the scent you have above 🙂 Thanks for always posting great tips and $ saving ideas!
Stacey says
I’ve been doing this for a long time with dishsoap & reusing my Bath & Body Works foaming pumps. I put the water in first then the soap, that way you don’t get the bubbles.
Marta says
Thank you for mentioning the B & B foam soap bottles! After the last cleaning, my dawn bottle will no longer go back together properly and I was about to get a new one. With the way the spout is angled, it doesn’t fit well on my sink, though. The B & B bottles fit perfectly.
Sandy Naylor says
You can do this with shampoo, too! I usually dilute mine 1/2 shampoo 1/2 water. 🙂
Wifeylife says
Another great thing about the foamy dish soap is for cleaning things you can’t immerse. I sh&ot some on my griddle, quesadilla maker, foreman etc. as soon as I am done cooking. If the food is really cooked on, I put a wet paper towel or cloth over the foamed soap and leave sit while we eat. After the meal, most things will wipe right off. Rinse with a clean cloth and put it away!
Mauri says
Thanks for that comment. I have really fine hair & have the same problem you have with the kids. Either not enough or WAY to much. I definitely try the shampoo trick also.
Wifeylife says
Using the “foamy soap” approach also works really well with shampoo and body wash for the kids. It is way easier to rub foam in their hair and rinse. With regular shampoo, I either didn’t have enough and would struggle to get it to suds up in their fine hair without pulling or I’d have way too much and it would take cup after cup to rinse it and they don’t want to sit still for that long. (about an 1/8 full of the soap and rest water is what I usually do)
Judy D says
After reading tips and getting excited, I decided to clean my foaming bottle(Pampered Chef). After soaking in hot water and plunging several times, clear water was coming out of spout. The spout broke in my hands. A new foaming bottle is now on my list to get things!
Michelle Adler says
I had the exact same problem with the Pampered Chef foaming soap container. Ended up throwing it away. Now I use the Dawn Direct Foam and refill it with cheap dish detergent. There is a learning curve to get the ratio correct. Thanks for the tips on refilling the Dawn Direct Foam bottle. I always figured you could by other brands to refill it!
Denise says
Ugh! All that wasted money I’ve been spending! And I could be saving doing this! Thank you soooooo much!
Lori Taylor says
I would have put the soap in first to lol
Helena Killins says
Try adding the WATER first, then the soap..
Sondra says
Glad you said that. Knowing me I would have put the soap in first.
Christine says
I used to spend all that money on the pre-made foaming soap but this has proved to be just as good for a FRACTION of the price. I mixed 6tbsp. of cheap Sun soap and let warm water go in real slow down the inside of the bottle. I stirred it really slow a few times with a skewer stick to ensure there were no bubbles forming on the inside. Put the lid on & pumped it and voila worked perfectly! Thanks for the perfect ratio of soap to water!
Robin Sterkowitz says
After I put in soap and water, I just screw the top and shake or turn over and over until I see thick clumps dissolve. It doesn’t take long and it doesn’t make bubbles. You have to leave a 1/2 inch of air on top so it doesn’t clog the pump.
shari says
i bought a bottle and it says that you can’t use anything except the dawn direct foam, because it won’t sudz, or whatever…. has anyone had problems? it seems like they’re just trying to keep people buying their stuff.
Diane S says
That’s exactly why they say that. They want you to buy THEIR refills.
mel G says
yeah, except very few store stock the refills. I live in Seattle, the known universe of recyclers and re-users, and I haven’t been able to find the refills. I’m not a ‘granola cruncher’, but even I find it wasteful to buy those small pump bottles every time…and expensive. yes, I can order online but that’s an added expense there and wasteful, again, in packaging and delivery.
Judy E says
WalMart has the Dawn pump refills. They’re right next to the regular Dawn here in our stores. For yrs I’ve been buying the refills–it will fill the pump about 2 1/2 times. I always end up buying a new pump after that however, because the pump bottle–even with washing–starts to look pretty ratty. I’m trying this suggestion today. Hoping for great results. Thanks for the tips, y’all! 👍
Why would anyone want to use any other brand….I use only Dawn because it is the the best and can be used in many ways for many things. Cuts through grease and oil very well, and it is used on animals and birds.
Amy says
I discovered that a while ago myself. It is amazing isn’t it! My kids use it to wash their hands with.
Melia says
I have a pump, that my husband got for free for buying another cleaning product, that he used a coupon for as well… I am now going to stop using my open soap so I can use the pump up, and than use this frugal tip. Thanks for sharing.
Allie says
That is awesome! I just bought reg soap because I couldnt find the direct foam…now I dont need to! 🙂
ashley says
thanks for posting this…i just bought one of the pumps because i saw on a blog where you can paint it with plastic paint and put a monogram on it..i knew you could not put full strenght soap but did not know how i should mix it… YAY!
Kerry says
Thanks for this super tip! 🙂 Our dishwasher broke, which was a blessing because our energy bill is WAY less. Since it broke I’ve been trying to make my dish soap stretch by adding water to it…..but this is some serious stretching! 🙂 Super excited to give it a try!
Alicia says
I have been doing this for a long time and it does stretch the life of the dish soap. I have a bottle just like the Dawn Direct Foam bottle, and I usually fill up around or less than half an inch of soap, and the rest is water. It is so cheap and frugal.
Beth says
This also works with hand soap
Yvonne says
You can also do this w/the foaming hand soap from Bath N Body. Fill ithe bottle about 1/3 or slightly less w/any type of handsoap & then almost to the top w/water. Mix gently & ta-da! Cheap…really cheap foaming hand soap!