Save Money and be Frugal with this easy Homemade 409 Cleaner Recipe!
Then… makes your windows and mirrors sparkle with this life changing streak free Homemade Glass Cleaner Recipe!

Homemade 409 Cleaner Recipe
Save money on cleaning supplies with this easy DIY Homemade 409 Cleaner Recipe!
Marie writes: "I loved this mix! I made some up last night and cannot believe how well it works!"
Just a few simple ingredients, and you’re on your way to an effective and thrifty all-purpose cleaner!
I’ve been making Homemade Cleaners for years, and can’t believe how quick and easy they are to make. I love knowing exactly what is going into the cleaners, too.
Plus… they save SO much money!
So how do you make 409 cleaner at home? It’s actually so EASY!
Here’s what you’ll need to get started…
Related: Walmart Money Saving Tips to help you score frugal cleaning supplies!
Homemade 409 Ingredients
You’ll just need a few simple ingredients to make your own DIY 409 Cleaner!
- 2 Tbsp. Distilled White Vinegar
- 1 Tsp. Borax Powder
- 1/8 cup Dawn Dishsoap
- 1 cup Hot Water
- 16 oz. Triggered Spray Bottle
- Optional: 8 drops Orange Essential Oil
How to Make Homemade 409
You won’t believe how EASY it is to make your own DIY 409!
Go grab a spray bottle, and let’s get started!
Here’s what you’ll do…
Pour vinegar, borax and hot water into spray bottle.
Then continue filling spray bottle with cool water.
Add Dawn Dish soap last, and gently tilt bottle back and forth to mix in. (no need to shake)
Optional: Add in 8 drops of Orange Essential Oil for a light citrus scent.
You’re done… it’s as easy as that!
Wasn’t that ridiculously easy?
Homemade All-Purpose Cleaner Reviews
What Your Frugal Friends Are Saying About this Homemade All-Purpose Cleaner…
Beth writes: “Thanks so much for sharing this! I mixed our first container full and “Love It”! Works great and smells clean too!”
Richard writes: “Thank You. This solution definitely works. I’ve been using it for several years and it’s my go to general purpose cleaner.”
Cristina writes: “Thank you! I made both the 409 and Granite Cleaner. Both formulas work fantastic! So glad to stop throwing away plastic containers and save money, too!”
Craig writes: “I tried this one — and it really works. (I used a generic “good on grease” dish soap that I already had.) I’m kind of a skeptic, so this is a real testimonial.”
Marie writes: “I loved this mix! I made some up last night and cannot believe how well it works!”
More Budget Friendly DIY Cleaning Recipes
Now are you looking for more fun and frugal Homemade Cleaners and Tips??
Don’t worry. I’ve got you covered!
Your home (and wallet) will thank you once you know how easy it is to make these other homemade cleaners, too!
Check out more DIY cleaners and tips below…
Homemade Glass Cleaner Recipe
I’ve been using this Homemade Glass Cleaner now for years and I love love love it! So simple, so effective, so so frugal, it works like a charm! That’s what I’m talking about!
Homemade Granite Cleaner Recipe
Save money on that overpriced store-bought granite cleaner when you use this frugal Homemade Granite Cleaner instead!
Frugal DIY Foaming Hand Soap Trick
I. Love. Fluffy Soap! It’s true ~ I love the foaming suds… but not the price.
How To Make Foaming Dish Soap
You’ll love the simplicity of this ridiculously smart tip. Sometimes it’s shocking how easy it is to save money!!
DIY Hand Sanitizer Recipe
You won’t believe how easy it is to make your own hand sanitizer using this DIY Hand Sanitizer Recipe!
Homemade Toilet Bowl Cleaner Recipe
This is the exact all natural DIY toilet bowl cleaner I use every week, and it works like a charm!
Easy Drain Cleaner Trick
Get those drains working again with this easy Drain Cleaner Baking Soda Vinegar Trick!
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How to Prevent Water Spots on Shower Doors
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Homemade Fabric Softener Recipe
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Homemade Liquid Laundry Detergent
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50 DIY Homemade Cleaners Recipes That Work (Surprisingly Easy)
Get ready for some serious savings with these simple DIY Homemade Cleaners Recipes and Tips!
Save Money Fast (20 Easy Ways to Save $2200 this Month!)
Whether you are on a low income or just want to slay that debt quickly, these tips and tricks will jumpstart your savings and cash flow quickly!
So have you tried this Homemade 409 Cleaner Recipe yet?
Please share with us in the comments below!
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Cristina Sovereign says
Thank you! I made both the 409 and granite cleaner. Both formulae work fantastic! So glad to stop throwing away plastic containers and save money, too!
Heidi says
I’m so glad to hear you’re loving the homemade cleaning recipes, Cristina! 🙂
Richard Hussey says
These days there are variety of Dawn detergents, everything from single strength to the 5X. Does using the latter effect how much detergent I should add?
Heidi says
Hi Richard ~ I use the original Dawn when making this recipe, so if you’re using a stronger version, you can definitely use a little bit less.
Richard Hussey says
TY. This solution definitely works. I’ve been using it for several years and it’s my go to general purpose cleaner.
Craig says
I tried this one — and it really works
(I used a generic “good on grease” dish soap that I already had.)
I’m kind of a skeptic, so this is a real testimonial.
Heidi says
Thanks, Craig… I’m so glad to hear it worked well for you! 🙂
Allison Thompson says
Do you have a gallon size recipe for the 409?
Mary says
There are 128 ounces to a gallon…. So just multiply the ingredients X8…….
Reba says
LOve love everything.. one thing that works for me on aunts is cream of wheat of fine cornmeal. Dry of course They eat it and take it back to their homes and . It swells up and kills them.. Sounds cruel, but is non toxic around pets and children
cora says
hi i go to the dollor tree buy a big container of window cleaner
pine sole, and other cleaners when i get home i take
my empty container fill it less then half way with window
cleaner remainder way with water. a big container of window cleaner last me for a least 2 months
i even do all my cleaners this away
spend at the most 5 buck at the dollor tree
come home diluted.
also you can get the big container of the cheapest
fabric softener in another emptey container pour in half
fabric softener and water
even liguid laudry soap
saves alot of money
Alex v says
I was wondering if instead of using essential oils in all this home made cleaners could I use extracts? Like vanilla or orange? Does anybody know? Please let me know
Rachel says
Is there anything that I can spray around my house that is safe for mosquitos? My son is graduating high school and we are having a Bar-b-q outside and have a few little kids coming over and don’t want them to get ate up by the bugs while everyone is outside….thanks
Marie Anderson says
I loved this mix! I made some up last night and cannot believe how well it works! And I don’t have to worry about the kids using it. Anyone try adding essential oils?
corey says
I wipe my wood kitchen table down every night with that Green Works cleaner. It’s a treated polished wood. Would this be ok to do the same?
Patti says
I was scrolling thru facebook and seen one of your Pin for Homemade Fabric Softner. I don’t know how I got to it or But I saw something to make you hair very shiney and soft, it said olvie oil-TBS of ? can you help me out. Thank You!!!
JO Powers says
The foaming hand soap is better than the original I got in the bottle.My husband even thought so.
wendy says
I’ve been using this for awhile now and I have started to add spearment essential oil to it and omg does it smell wonderful!!!!!! I make a gallon of it at a time and just refill my bottle when I need to 🙂
Liz says
Thanks for the wonderful site! I LOVE the laundry soap!
Ashley says
Thank you so much I just found this on this site and I am so excited to start saving even more money, my question is about the shout I love it but so expensive what kind of Liquid laundry detergent do you use or does it matter? Thank you so much
Megan says
HELLO!!!! So glad I found this site!!! I will definitely be making some homemade cleaners this weekend!!! Can not waite!!! Thank you for all of your helpful hints and tricks. This site ROCKS!!!!
Heidi says
Aww ~ thanks, Megan! So glad to have you here, joining in the $$-saving FUN! 😉
~ Heidi
natasha says
i have just really got started with the whole couponging thing and am excited to start saving money. i am excited to try the homeade cleaners too.. tyfs the recipes
melissa says
I can’t stand cleaning…really I do. Mostly because of the fumes associated with cleaning products. Thank you for this 409 recipe. I mixed up a batch tonight and it cleaned my bathroom better than ever and I didn’t get a headache from the fumes! The smell of the vinegar disappeared as soon as the shower walls dried. Thanks for saving me from a headache and I love that I am saving money too!
claudette says
I have a problem with flies. I really don’t like to use those ugly fly strips. Does anyone have any suggestion on how to get rid of them????
Liz says
After spending lots of time and money buying storebought to fix this problem, out of desperation I mixed a few tablespoons of pancake syrup with pinch of baking soda…this attracts and then kills the flies(bugs cannot burp). I place a teaspoon or so of this in a jar lid and put on my windowsills. For a few days I cleaned up dea* flies, but had none the rest of summer.The best part is that it is safe for kids and pets. It works for ants, too. Just go easy on the baking soda, it doesn’t take much but if you use too much it won’t work.
brenda says
I don’t knwo why but I found flies were very attracted to the jalapeno pepper “juice” in a jar of the sliced peppers I left on the counter. They fly into the jar, and get trapped. Just use up the peppers first!
Also, you can just put your vacuum cleaner on the hose option, and use the vaccum hose to vacuum up flies, like sword-fighting the insects, it’s pretty easy to catch them even if they are flying around. My kids love doing this for me.
Lynne says
I spray flies and any kind of stinging insect with the cheapest hairspray I can find. Aqua Net is tough to find, but works the best. The more expensive kinds aren’t as sticky, so they *don’t* work as well. The hairspray gums up their wings, so they can’t fly. Then it’s super easy to use a fly swatter. I don’t think you even really need the swatter, but I won’t wait for the hair spray to kill the insects.
Heather says
Do you use the regular Dawn, or the concentrated? Just wondering if it makes a difference in the amount of Dawn you add.
Heidi says
Hi Heather ~ I usually use just the regular Dawn Dish Soap, but I’m sure the concentrated formula would work just fine, too! 😉
~ Heidi
what would you use on fiberglass tubs to clean hard water lime spots and soap scum?
Liz says
I use AquaEZ
on my fiberglass tub and shower enclosure…it works AWESOME and does not scratch. I found it in the pool chemical section at Lowe’s…It is a cartridge and DE filter cleaner, and can be used on patio furniture, boats, spas etc. Costs about 8 dollars per quart spray bottle and worth every penny…made my tub shiny again!
Lynne says
I made the absolute *best* tub cleaner I’ve ever used. Heat vinegar in microwave. Pour into spray bottle. Gently mix an equal amount of Dawn dish detergent. It’s better than the super expensive lime cleaners!
Sarah says
Is this formula safe for granite?
Ruth says
No, it’s not. You should not use vinegar on granite!!
Shirley says
My recipe for granite cleaner is:
1/3 C Alcohol
Few drops of Dawn
Fill bottle with water.
I use an old granite cleaner bottle that holds 22 oz.
Probably should put the water and alcohol in first then add the few drops of Dawn. This has worked for me for years….in fact I think it is the first homemade cleaner that I ever made. The granite cleaner is was buying cost $5. a bottle. This recipe costs almost nothing. 🙂
Heidi says
Hi Amanda ~ I have found that Dawn dish soap works best. There is just something in it that seems to cut through grease and grime, and remove stains so well! Hope that helps! 😉
~ Heidi
tlw says
I agree.
Sandy Peace says
Thank you so much for all the cleaning recipes but does anyone have any for making something similiar to the Lysol or Clorox disinfectant wipes or would the recipe for 409 work?
Lynn says
Another blogger who makes homemade cleaners cuts up old cloths (like t-shirts) or buys those awesome microfiber cleaning cloths and cuts them into squares, and keeps them in a container soaked in cleaner. She just throws the used ones in with her towels and puts them back in to clean another day!
lorrie says
Make the 409 cleaner and put aside. Buy a 2l round tall container or use the plastic ice cream containers from Chapman’s icecream. Cut a small X in the middle of the lid. Now you need a roll of BOUNTY paper towel. (No other will work… I’ve tried!). Cut the roll to size with the container so you can pop it in and put the lid on. At this point carefully remove the cardboard roll from the middle of the paper towel. Place the paper towel back in the container and pour about 1 cup of your cleaner all over it. Pull the first sheet of paper towel from the MIDDLE of the roll thru the hole. You now have your own wipes.
Tina Lindsey says
Thanks for the recipes. I love them all. However I am allergic to harsh chemicals like bleach andaammonia. I also have asthma. Will these make my asthma and allergies act up?
Amanda says
Was going to make the home made 409, but don’t have DAWN dish soap. I usually buy the generic. Does it matter if it is DAWN or does any dish soap work? I have all the other stuff already and was going to mix up a batch, but wanted to check first! Thanks!! =) LOVE THE LAUNDRY SOAP AND FABRIC SOFTNER!!!
Deb says
Amanda, I used to buy the generic or cheaper dish soaps but I went back to Dawn. The truth is you use so much less of it that it’s more economical. It’s an excellent grease cutter. Check the prices on it at Walmart and Family Dollar, you can generally get a 2 pack of it for approximately $4.00.
Lyn says
same story here; I used to use generic dish soap but went back to Dawn and that’s all we’ll use now. Nothing else gets the grease like Dawn.
Jennifer says
Homemade Laundry Stain Removers
Recipe #1
1 cup hot water
1/2 cup baking soda
1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide
Mix ingredients then store in spray bottles. Spot treat stains then soak overnight.
Recipe #2
2 quarts water
1/2 cup ammonia
2 TBS laundry detergent
Mix ingredients then store in spray bottles. Spot treat stains then soak overnight.
Do not use with bleach.
Patty says
Hi, I was just wondering does the ammonia or the peroxide cause any color fading on clothing like bleach does.
Cindy DiMattia says
My husband says that ammonia and bleach are dangerous together if you breath it your a goner.
Amy Bernius says
I love this 409 recipe!!! I will never buy sparay again. I keep one in every bathroom for clean ups and one in the kitchen for counters. Love it, thanks!
Christina McKenzie says
Just curious, but my husband can’t stand the smell of vinegar…so I have to ask…does the homeade 409 smell like vinegar? Or does the dishsoap cover it up? As a side note, if you ever have problems with fruit flies, fill a small bowl with vinegar, add several drops of dish soap, and mix well. They are attracted to the vinegar smell, and the dishsoap finishes them off! (My husband can’t stand it though…it stinks like vinegar!)
Susan says
thanks Christina, I am going to try this. I can’t stand those annoying little things that seem to appear from nowhere…
Missy says
I use apple cider vinegar and dawn dish soap in a small bowl on the counter to kill fruit flies and it works VERY well
tlw says
I have also used this for several years and it does really work..As the liquid becomes less, just add more water..
tlw says
tho I use a coffee cup to put my vinegar and dish detergent in..and then add water to it..3/4 c vinegar, det. and fill the cup with water.
wendy says
We did the vinegar and dishsoap thing for fruit flies. Sure does work!
Sharon says
I’ve been soaking orange peels in vinegar, and it really helps balance the vinegar smell. I just toss peels in over the week as I use oranges for morning smoothies. I make sure the vinegar covers the peels, and by the end of the week it all smells lovely. After straining the vinegar into a spray bottle or other container, I start a fresh jar for the next week of orange peels.
clancey says
Thanks for the suggestion about the orange peel. Wonder if lemon peel would also work? Will definitely try it. I use homemade shower cleaner and the vinegar odor is a bit stong. Much appreciated.
Carolyn Todd says
Cover your vinegar (bug catcher) with Glad wrap and punch some holes in it w/ a tooth pick. Works just as well and bugs cannot get out….no vinegar smell.
Sherry says
I read in some literature that came with our granite counter top to avoid any type of vinegar on the stone. Just wanted to let you all know to not use the homemade solutions on this type of counter. Of course, there are millions of other things to clean in the home with these.
claudette says
OMG! How did I ever live without these homemade products? These homemade products have saved me so much money and time from trying to clip coupons and find the best bargain for cleaning products. I’m still looking for the homemade shout??
Patricia Glover says
My Mom used shout our WHOLE lives – she now uses the homemade Shout….The recipe she uses is really easy – Equal parts liquid Laundry detergent and Dawn dishwashing liquid. She swears by it. It even got the diesel grease out of my Dad’s clothes. There has never been a product out there that has been able to do that!!!!
Natalie says
Does she put it in a spray bottle, or how does she apply it?
Beth Feeney says
Thanks so much for sharing this! I mixed our first container full and “LOve It”! I love making things (especially cleaners) and saving a ton too! Works great and smells clean too! thanks again!! :>)
Sarah says
Great Frugal Tip! Thanks!
Donna and Greg says
Thank you so much for the sprays recipes. These are what I have been looking for!
Mom2three says
Thank you so much for posting the Homemade 409 recipe. I’m always on the look out for a product I can make at home and save $$$! I have all of those items on hand (I use Borax to make my laundry detergent). Can’t wait to try it!