Could you use some tips for How to Prevent Water Spots on Shower Doors? These tricks work like a charm!
Then be sure to put these tips for How to Remove Soap Scum from Shower Doors to use!
How to Prevent Water Spots on Shower Doors
There’s nothing worse than dealing with water spots all over your pretty glass shower doors.
That’s why I’m going to show you today How to Prevent Water Spots on Shower Doors!
I’ve got two simple little tricks that will help you prevent so many of those water spots from appearing in the first place. Seriously… you’ll be amazed at how good your shower doors will be looking just by using these two little tricks!
What’s not to love about sparkling clean shower doors and spot free glass?
How to keep water spots off glass shower doors
So what are you ready to learn how to make glass shower doors sparkle? Here’s what you need to do to keep them looking like new…
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What Can I Put on My Glass Shower Doors to Prevent Water Spots?
The secret trick to keep your shower doors from spotting, is first applying a coat of Rain-X.
Then… taking 1 minute to squeegee those doors to remove water after every shower will make ALL the difference!
Glass Shower Door Spot Prevention Reviews
What Your Frugal Friends Are Saying About This Glass Shower Door Spot Prevention Trick…
Jackie writes: “Luv it!”
Patricia writes: “Used this since I discovered it about a year ago. Love it, works for months! I tell all my friends to do this!!”
How to Keep Glass Shower Doors from Spotting
My first tip for how to keep water spots off glass shower doors is to apply a coat of Rain-X to help prevent water spots before they even happen!
Start by cleaning your shower doors thoroughly. Use these tricks to Remove Soap Scum, then use this DIY Glass Cleaner to finish cleaning.
Once glass is clean and completely dry, carefully apply a coat of Rain-X to create water beading in the shower. (follow application instructions on the bottle).
After several months if you begin to notice the water is no longer beading up as well, simply repeat the cleaning and application process.
Squeegee Glass Shower Doors after EVERY Shower!
I personally squeegee my shower after each use and have found this method to be extraordinarily effective.
Then, make sure you’ve got a high quality squeegee handy in your shower. I love using the OXO Squeegees that hang from the suction cups!
After every shower, thoroughly squeegee the water off the glass door and enclosure.
The combination of Rain X and daily squeegee treatment will have your shower doors looking AMAZING!
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So have you tried this easy trick for how to Prevent Water Spots yet?
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Claire Masters says
It was really helpful when you mentioned that wiping your shower door down with a squeegee after every shower will prevent it from forming water stains. I’m planning on putting a shower enclosure in the master’s bedroom since my husband always somehow gets the entire bathroom floor wet when he showers. I’ll keep these tips in mind once I get a shower enclosure installed in the coming months.
Heidi says
Yes… the squeegee really does work so well, Claire. Have fun remodeling your bathroom! 🙂
Anna Davis says
Thanks for the advice to squeegee the glass after you shower to prevent water spots. I would like to get a frameless glass door for my shower when I remodel the bathroom this summer. Your advice will be helpful to keep it looking good as new.
Heidi says
You’re very welcome, Anna! The daily squeegee treatment really does make such a difference, and is a great idea for frameless doors!
Christie says
Oh my goodness!!!!! These are the best tips! I always struggle with this area so thank you very much! I can’t wait to try these.
Heidi says
You’re very welcome, Christie! They are definitely game changers… and will keep your doors looking so much better! 🙂
Hasin says
Squeeze is something that I have to get for my bathroom. I use vinegar and water spray but squeeze is something that can reduce half the burden to begin with. Lovely tips.
Heidi says
Thanks, Hasin! And yes… the squeegee will make such a difference on your shower doors! 🙂
Rachel Peterson says
I would guess the squeegee is a very important part of this formula. Squeegees make it possible to to get the most moisture removed from glass surfaces, which leads to cleaner surfaces. It will prevent any mold or hard water build up from happening.
Kyle O'Ren says
This is an awesome post for keeping my glass spotless! I have a frameless shower door and a clear wall so I can’t stand it when it gets spotty or covered in minerals. I hadn’t thought of using rain-x before. I use it on my car so I’m certain it will be great for my shower too! Good thinking!
Mindy says
Will this work on the plexi-glass doors?
Gisele says
I did this to the 3 showers in my home over a month ago and the water is still running off the glass in little rivers. I regularly sqeegee my shower glass and walls off. My son does not squeegee, his shower looks okay but mine looks better than the unsqueegeed one. I even put some on the chrome fixtures that also worked out well. I did not use the spray on Rain-X I used the smaller container that has a flip lid put it on a damp cloth put on the shower with a circular motion, when it got hazy I used a clean, dry towel to buff just like applying car wax. Pretty easy and it did not take long to do this. I also did this to the outside of the shower as the design on the glass tends to absorb something and turns brown, probably the hair spray or lysol spray we use while in the room. Great tip, I will continue doing this.
Heidi says
Thanks for the feedback, Gisele ~ so glad to hear it’s working out well for your shower!
Vicky Durrant says
My husband and I just finished remodeling our bathroom, and I want to make sure that our glass shower door stays looking nice for as long as possible! I’ve always dislike how water spots look on shower doors, so I’m glad that I found your post. I never would have thought about putting Rain-X on the glass to help keep it spot free! I’m going to pick up some Rain-X to put on our shower door as soon as I can. Thank you for the great idea!
Nancy A says
I used the Rain X on my shower doors a while back. Now I can tell it’s not working anymore. Do I need to clean doors to get residue off before reapplying it?
Heidi says
Hi Nancy ~ if you notice it has worn off, simply clean the shower again really well using the tips here: Then, you can reapply. Hope that helps! 🙂