Learn how to tackle paper clutter once and for all with these easy paper clutter organization ideas you can start using today!

How to Tackle Paper Clutter
So are you ready to banish those messy piles of paper for good? I’ve got you covered!
When it comes to staying organized, paper clutter solutions are key! That’s why I’ve put together my top tips and tricks for How to Tackle Paper Clutter!
Whether you’re looking to kickstart your organization or just want to be a minimal mom, this simple system will help you become a superstar organizer!
It’s time to learn what to keep, what to toss, and what categories to file.
All it takes is changing a few habits and creating some simple storage solutions, and you’ll be on your way to a clutter-free space!
Let’s say good bye to those piles of paper and stacks of unread mail. Once they’re out of sight, you won’t miss them!
Let’s get organized, shall we?
Here’s what you need to do…
Related: 75 Home Decluttering Tips! (Easy Tricks for a Tidy House)
#1: Purge That Paper!
Let’s start with those unruly piles of paper.
You know the ones… as fast as you work them, they seem to reappear.
The first thing you’ll want to do is tackle your current piles one by one.
This can be tedious, I know, but it’s the only way to get the clutter under control.
Once we deal with the piles, then we can learn how to prevent them. But first, it’s time to purge, purge, purge!
Go through each item and shred or recycle what you no longer need.

#2: Take Pictures, Then Let it Go
Sometimes letting go can be hard, right?
Well, another trick is to just snap a quick photo, then let it go.
For example, my kids used to bring home pages of artwork every day from school, and my sentimental self wanted to keep it all!
They worked so hard on these cute little projects, how could I let them go?
But when it came down to it, our house was tiny, our closets and cabinets were full, and there was no where for it to all go.
So… I kept my very favorites, took pictures of them holding other pieces, and let the rest go.
Frugal Friend Jenny from KidsnCoupons writes:
“I have 3 kids. I would like to save all their wonderful works of art but I would need an extra garage to store it all.
My kids get so excited when they show me their art.
I have found I not only love their art but their huge smiles as they show it to me and explain all the fantastic details of their finished master piece.
I’m sure you have heard the idea of taking pictures of your child’s special works of art, but I have taken that a step further….take a picture of your child holding their art work.
Not only will you get some of the most fantastic smiles recorded but you freeze in time what your child looked when they made this most wonderful creation. Most likely they made it for you.“
Here’s a sweet photo of Jenny’s son with his special artwork…

#3: Never Let the Mail Pile Up! (Deal With it Right Away)
Mail is another kind of paper clutter that just has a way of taking over, doesn’t it?
Whether it’s piles of important unread mail, stacks of store flyers and magazines, or the dreaded junk mail, it has a way of piling up. It just keeps coming every day!
So… let’s tackle that mail pile next.
First, make sure to only renew the magazine subscriptions that you really LOVE.
Just because you’ve been a subscriber in the past, doesn’t mean you need to be a lifetime subscriber. You could even rotate and just pick your 1 favorite magazine to subscribe to every year. It could save money and make your mail easier to manage.
You can also call or go online to remove yourself from old mailing lists you no longer care about.
Then… put these savvy tips to use…
Sherry writes: “Process today’s mail TODAY. If you have a pile, process at least 10 pieces every time you walk past it.”
Donna writes: “Toss junk mail immediately. Scan stuff that needs to be kept, file the scans, shred materials with any kind of personal information on it.”
Brenda writes: “Go old school. Touch it once. Toss it, handle it or file it.”
Gale writes: “I purchased a large business size office shredder that is kept by my desk.
Anything that needs to be shredded from the mail goes there instantly, and any old papers as soon as they are rediscovered in the desk. Zero paper clutter!”

Michelle writes: “Deal with mail daily: trash & shred.”
Tammi writes: “I sort mail as it comes in near a trash can I discard all flyers, catalogs, anything marked occupant and such.
I immediately shred what anything personal that us not needed and file any important paperwork and pay bills as they come in.
It literally takes 5 minutes a day.”
Shari writes: “Throw everything labeled presort away without opening it.”
Lisa writes: “File it, throw it out or put it in a shoebox to be shredded right away. When shredding box gets full I shred it.”
Ann writes: “I have a sign on my letterbox saying “no junk mail” – it works!”
#4: Use the Ads to Clean Your Windows & Mirrors

Feeling extra frugal? I know the feeling! 🙂
Skip the paper towels when you wash your mirrors and windows, and use the free newspaper ads that came in the mail this week!
They actually are work so well, and really are the secret trick to streak free mirrors!
Alexa writes: “I use the ads as paper towels to clean my windows, they don’t leave a streak. The rest I use in my fire pit. The only paper I keep are check stubs, insurance and tax papers.”
Related: The Best Homemade Glass Cleaner!
#5: Keep Digital Files (Scan When You Can)

Lynn writes: “I scan everything paper when it comes in and put it in folders: Taxes, Cars , Medical etc.. Then I burn or Shred the paperwork.”
Tara writes: “I scanned things I “think” I may need and then threw it ALL away. I didn’t even put it in different folders or organize. Because I would have put off doing it if I knew that was part of the task.
IF I need any of that paperwork, I would have to thumb through it so scrolling through a PDF didn’t seem any different. Im soooo happy I did it!”
Melanie writes: “I even scanned my kids school items each year from K-12 and have it organized with file folders by grade on my computer external hard drive.”
Janica writes: “I try to do everything on my computer so I don’t have to use paper and I always know where to find my notes and documents.
Signed up for electronic bills and statements as well. Bought a small accordion file folder from Walmart to hold the rest of the paper I need to keep.”
#6: Always Opt for Paperless Bills When You Can!

Michelle writes: “Go paperless whenever possible.”
Jennifer writes: “All my bills are paperless. Utilities are autopay and I keep a spreadsheet for credit cards and pay them online every payday (the ones that are due before next payday).
My only mail is junk mail, and it goes straight in the rubbish bin. I rarely print anything, even for work. No paper, no paper clutter.”
#7: Tidy Up Your Piles of Notes

Are sticky note reminders and little piece of paper taking over?
Here’s what you need to do…
Teresa writes: “When I sit down to go through a pile of paper and notes I’m surprised to find that most of it isn’t relevant anymore, or I don’t really want to pursue, buy, or call on the items I have made the notes on.
I keep thinking that I just need one notes or journal book to keep all of this in one place ,and then go through it weekly and erase the things I no longer want there.”
Nancy writes: “I keep a binder and have tabs A-z. I put an index in front. I am constantly taking notes on future books to read, frugal websites, places to travel.
Then, I will put all my travel notes under “T,” etc. really helps keep me organized as I dislike looking through “notes” to find something.”
#8: Keep Urgent To Do Folders on Your Desk

Mary writes: “Folders I am currently working with go into a wooden stand-up file storage box on my desk.
Items that need to be addressed today go into a small stack beside my laptop.”
Michelle writes: “Use a pending file for action items (to be cleared out by the end of each week).
File only what is necessary.”
#9: Then Use a Filing Cabinet or Bins for Everything Else

When it comes to the papers you’ll want to keep, the most important thing you can do is to create an EASY filing method.
Jen writes: “I bought a filing cabinet. My biggest accumulation is school work from the kids so they each have their own folder now.”
Mary writes: “Go through older files once a year and toss any paperwork no longer needed.”
Kimberly writes: “I have a 2 drawer file cabinet, check the mail daily, toss/ shred the junk, and only keep things as recommended… like 7 years of tax returns, etc.
And every year at tax time I do an annual purge”
#10: Have A Place for Everything… and Everything in Its Place!
Jessica writes: “Use the “Everything has its place” approach to organizing. And if that place is the trash, then that’s where it goes!”
And if all else fails, Chelsea writes: “I bought a roll top desk. I just hide it when company comes.” 🙂
Now that you’ve scored these tips for How to Tackle Paper Clutter, start organizing the rest of your life with these creative tips…
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So do you have any favorite tips or tricks for How to Tackle Paper Clutter?
Or do you have any favorite solutions for Paper Clutter Organization?
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Maria Khan says
Great post!
Heidi says
Thanks, Maria… I’m so glad you liked the kitchen organizing tips and tricks! 🙂
Stuart Danker says
I love the idea of taking pictures then throwing them away. That’s exactly what I’ve been doing lately, and coupled with a good storage platform, it can really help you get organised. Thanks for this post!
Heidi says
You’re very welcome, Stuart… I’m so glad you liked the paper clutter organizing tips!
Caleb - Never Ending Journeys says
These are some excellent tips! #7 is especially useful. 🙂
Heidi says
Thank you… it really does make such a difference!
Val says
So many fantastic tips here. I love the idea of taking a photo of the kids holding their artwork. Then the memory is always there. I find myself going more and more paperless over time. With a business, I always felt I need to have paper backup. Now I am more comfortable keeping everything on the PC and backing up the data once a week.
Heidi says
I completely agree, Val. Creating digital copies is such a great way to save space and get organized!
CoCo says
These are all such great tips and tricks, Heidi! I’m always amazed at how quickly paper clutter piles up. We literally sort the mail outside at the recycle bin so only the most important mail even makes it into the house. Once we’re inside we immediately shred anything that needs to be shredded and deal with the rest. It took a bit to get used to but now that we have this system in place it’s made a huge difference in the daily piles. I’ll definitely be passing this fabulous post along! Hugs, CoCo
Heidi says
It’s so smart to never even let the junk mail come into the house!
Kirsi says
Thank you for your organize tipps Heidi.
In the Moment I worked at Point 1, it is so much paper from our buro that can be destroyed, but we have in Germany so strictly Rules with DSGVO, I need a special paper shredder for many papers.
Heidi says
That’s great you’re working on decluttering your paper piles, Kirsi! And yes… a shredder really is so helpful!
Mica - Away From Blue says
These are good tips, thank you! I always take photos of the kids with their art – they love drawing and colouring so it’s nice to have photos of it all 🙂 Having a sign up to not accept junk mail makes a big difference with how much paper clutter comes into the house too!
Hope that your week is going well 🙂
Heidi says
That’s so fun you’ve been taking photos of the kids with their art… those will be such treasured memories!
Adriana Leandro says
Your tips are very helpful. This post is perfect for me. I need to organize my papers.
Heidi says
I’m so glad you liked the tips… happy organizing!!
Her Digital Coffee says
I recently went through all my documents and stored what I could electronically. Dealing with mail right away is so important because it’s so easy to let that pile up! Thank you for sharing this helpful post!
Heidi says
You’re very welcome… and that’s so great you just went through your paper piles to convert them to electronic files!
delphine says
Merci pour toutes ces idées d’organisation
Belle soirée
Heidi says
De rien, Delphine. Belle soirée
Healthy World Cuisine says
Heidi, this is such a great post. Love your idea of cleaning the windows with the paper coupons. Paper can be so overwhelming. Do you have a post on keeping your e-mail clean and tidy? That feels like an ever growing problem for us. Thanks in advance.
Heidi says
Ooh… I don’t have a post yet about e-mail, but that’s a great idea! E-mail can get so out of control, too! 🙂
Kathrine Eldridge says
So many good hacks here! Never though about using newspaper ads for windexing. Great idea!
Heidi says
Aww… thank you! I’m so glad you liked the tips!
Irma says
These are all very useful tips.
Here in the Netherlands you will receive a sticker on the letterbox if you do not want to receive advertising brochures.
That really saves a lot of paper, I already have a sticker on the letterbox.
Greetings Irma
Heidi says
I’m so glad you found the tips helpful, Irma! I sure wish we could place a sticker on our mailbox here in America if we didn’t want to receive the advertisements. What a great option you have! 🙂
Lovely says
I’m so guilty of piling mails. Using newspaper ads to clean mirrors and windows is a cool hack. Thanks for these suggestions!
Heidi says
It’s amazing how fast those paper piles can take over, isn’t it? 🙂
somewhereinireland says
Thanks for the tips. Have a great week!
Heidi says
You’re very welcome… and I hope you have a fantastic week as well!
Christine says
Thanks for the great tips!
Heidi says
You’re very welcome, Christine!
Carol says
Great tips and you really cover all the bases. I’ve opted for email bills and after it’s paid and the next bill comes I delete the email. I don’t get as much junk mail as I used to – thank goodness. I do try to go through mail daily or at least every other day.
Heidi says
Receiving bills by email really does help so much!
Veronica Lee says
These are very helpful tips, Heidi!
Happy Monday!
Heidi says
Thank you, Veronica… I’m so glad you liked the tips!
Black Knight says
I love to read magazines and newspapers and I also like to write my notes on paper but, actually, there is too much paper lying around my house and, therefore, your tips are very useful. Thanks for sharing.
Heidi says
You’re very welcome! Happy organizing! 🙂
Michelle says
Such great tips for decluttering!
Heidi says
Aww… thank you, Michelle! Paper piles have such a way of taking over if you don’t stay on top of it. 🙂