You’ll be surprised by all these Creative Ways to Use baby wipes!

Even though my boys are all grown up now, baby wipes is something I still keep on my shopping list to this day! Today I want to show you some fun non ‘traditional’ uses for baby wipes!
Creative Ways to Use Baby Wipes
Related: 50 DIY Homemade Cleaners Recipes
Check out these Creative Ways to Use Baby Wipes, and you just may be adding them back on to your shopping list, too! I know you’ll love these creative ideas…
- Cleaning stains out of the carpet
- Removing crayons and scuff marks from walls or flooring
- Blotting away deodorant marks on clothing
- Cleaning the computer keyboard ~ works great!
- Keeping a stash in the car for grimy hand clean-up
- Cleaning up on camp trips ~ they’re a lifesaver out in the woods!
- Using to ‘pre-treat’ stains on clothing
- Cleaning shoes
- Cleaning rubber stamps
- Empty wipe containers can even be used to organize craft supplies, etc!
How To Make Baby Wipes Last Longer
Now that you know how to make baby wipes last longer, check out even more creative ways to use baby wipes from your frugal friends here…
Stephanie said: “Best thing to clean your purse with. A friend who works at Coach sold me one of her (white) purses, and said the best way to keep it looking new it to clean it with baby wipes!”
Elizabeth said: “During a power outage, my family calls wipes a bath in a box!”
Patricia said: “Baby wipes are great for cleaning pellet stove glass. They get all that nasty black stuff off quick.”
Susan said: “Gets the black soot off the inside of your glass candle jars.”
Lauren said: “My friends tease me for using wipes for everything. I wipe fingerprints off of door frames, do a quick kitchen table cleanup, remove spots off my microfiber couch, clean the bathroom sink… I could go on and on! lol”
Laura said: “I use them for everything! I have a pack in my car, my desk and my weekend bag! I once dropped General Tso’s chicken on a khaki jumper and it bounced all the way down. 2 wipes later the stains were gone, except for the damp spots which dried quickly too! I don’t even have a child in diapers and I use hem all the time! I prefer Huggies Unscented… Nice and thick!”
Terry said: “Cleaning the toilet seat and rim.”
Sharon said: “They are great for dusting the ceiling fans, and cleaning the gunk that you can’t get around the toilet with a mop!”
Becky said: “Wipes are great for quick wipe down of bathrooms, doors, walls, spills… the possibilities are endless! lol”
Jill said: “My kids have to wipe their sink after brushing their teeth. Baby wipes are awesome at cleaning the clumps of toothpaste out of the sink. Toilet paper always falls apart when it gets wet.”
Nikki said: “I use them to wipe the hair off the floor after I brush, blow dry and straighten my hair. It’s the only thing that gets all the hair up.”
Amy said: “Great for cleaning baseboards!”
Angela said: “Remove makeup – my skin is too sensitive for the “beauty” cleansers and makeup removers, so baby wipes work great.”
Rachael said: “I use the extra gentle wipes as makeup removers! Especially waterproof mascara, excellent and quick!”
More Ways To Make Baby Wipes Last Longer
Dawn said: “Works great on my skin after dying my hair! I usually put Vaseline around my hairline, shoulders, etc.. I always have my kids’ baby wipes nearby to wipe off the remaining dye!”
Julie said: “They work wonders on shoes, whitening sneakers and shining up dress shoes.”
Angi said: “White tennis shoes! Make up remover. If I have to wait in my car for the kids to get out of school, I clean the dash and doors with them. Quick clean up at picnics and after the park, before hand sanitizer. Clean spots on the microfiber couch-but be careful, if they’re an oily kind, they could leave marks.”
Megan said: “They are perfect for cleaning up spots on microfiber furniture!”
Mary said: “They’re great for everything. they get stains out of the carpet and couch!”
Lynn said: “You can use them to get dog and cat hair off furniture. They take the hair off, and surface clean the top. I love them.”
Autumn said: “I use them to get dog hair off the sofa. It works even better if you mist the sofa with watered down fab softener first. Smells good, reduces static and the hair comes up easily.”
Kelly said: “Clean the wrinkles in my pug’s face! lol”
Susan said: “I clean puppy paws after a walk.”
Tara said: “Each child in my classroom bought a pack (at Dollar Tree for $1) as a part of their classroom supplies. Each day we take one and wipe down desk tops, desks, computer keyboards and anything we used as a community that day (i.e. scissors…, rulers, etc.) It is a safe, non-toxic way to keep germs down and teaches the kids responsibility for cleaning. We make a game of it… who can get the cleanest; then I come around for inspection. A good inspection earns a star and they earn a prize after they get 5 stars. This shows them that hard work yields rewards. My absentee rate from sickness went down 25%!”
Michelle said: “I use them to stay clean while camping. :)”
Katie said: “I wipe my feet with wipes before bed when they get hot or dirty, even after a shower. When I am prego, using a wipe to cool off my feet before bed makes for a better night. Wipes are also great for camp washing of hands, feet and face… a quick wipe down so not so stinky!”
Penny said: “A must have for tailgating! Sitting in the stands at a hot Nascar race… removal of track dust!!”
Debbie said: “They were a must have while traveling last year, from Ok to CA, to visit family! They helped with quick hand cleaning, little sticky spills, or to just freshened up a bit. Since we drove straight through both ways, the baby wipes were wonderful to have on hand!!”
Desiree said: “I love using them in my van! They clean leather so well!!!”
Casey said: “Clean-up in the car… they work great on cup holders, seats, kids, etc.!”
Laura said: “They are good to have in the car to wipe faces. My kids snack in the car and it’s nice to clean faces before getting out of car. Also, I’ll snag a few and wipe off all the dust inside the car interior if I have an unexpected guest in the car. :)”
Dusty said: “They will get a spot off of a white shirt, dust off the dashboard of my car, etc.”
Liz said: “I keep them in my gym bag so I am not offensive smelling if I run errands after a workout!”
Laura said: “Wipes remove deodorant from clothing!”
Andrea said: “My husband and boys wear suits a lot, especially to church. They are GREAT for spot cleaning suits!”
Amanda said: “They get makeup off of everything! Even dry clean only suits!”
Olivia said: “They take crayon off of walls and tables.”
Katheryn said: “I use them to take crayon off tile and walls.”
Tara said: “I use them to clean dry erase crayon off the white board. Sooo much easier than scrubbing with an eraser. I only like pampers wipes, so I don’t know if others will work as well.”
Kris said: “As a teacher, I use wipes to clean my dry-erase boards. The dry-erase erasers don’t erase markers very well, but the baby wipes work wonders!”
Faith said: “They take ink pen and marker off skin when my son colors on himself!”
Claire said: “Great for when I paint the walls, and spill a little or go outside the lines.”
Michelle said: “My mother and I are painters and if you drop a spot of paint on carpet, if you wipe it with a baby wipe before it dries, it’ll take it off. It also works on baseboards, windows, counters, floors… etc. Anywhere you drip paint!”
Denise said: “Cleaning paint brushes when you’re painting ceramics, or even when the kids are painting and get some on the table. Lay one next to you and you can even wipe your brush when you have too much paint on the brush.”
Joy said: “I use them to clean the ink off my craft stamps.”

Christine said: “If you use a Cricut machine for crafting, wiping the sticky board with a baby wipe makes the stick come back!”
Deborah said: “I use them to clean temporary adhesive spray from my embroidery machine. Wipes don’t contain alcohol that would make the machine brittle and the wipes leave no oily residue to ruin my projects.”
Stephanie said: “We used them to clean our M16 while in the army lol… wipes get carbon off real good! So does shaving cream lol!”
Cara said: “We use them on our construction sites when handling white items, such as soffit and fascia, to keep the materials finger print clean!”
Debra said: “They are the best. I always take them when we travel, to wipe sticky or dirty hands in the car… Or when the public bathrooms are WAY to dirty to wash your hands in. (yuck!) We use them for craft time – wiping glue, glitter, markers, and whatever off hands and other body parts. Can’t imagine life with out them.”
More Cleaning Tips and DIY Cleaners
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So… what are YOUR favorite Creative Ways to Use Baby Wipes?
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lynn says
What are the best baby wipes in Australia to use for these cleaning ideas of baby wipes
Lizzie Quarterman says
They are brilliant for removing mould from around the windows, food and pet stains from carpets, cleaning leather, wiping tables, wiping the fridge and microwave, spot cleaning vinyl flooring, rescuing clothes when you miss your mouth eating, etc.
Jen says
Cleaning Carpet! I was at my mom’s one night and she was rolling the computer chair out for an extra seat and got wheel grease all over the carpet. She was freaking out saying she would be scrubbing all night, I used a few wipes on it and the stains where gone in under 5 minutes!
sheila says
I used baby wipes as Kleenex when my kids were little. no more crusty noses.
Danielle says
We use them to wipe our English Bulldog’s butt when he comes in from outside. LOL! We also use them to wipe his wrinkles and nose rope on his face…. a new one that is, not the one from his bathroom trip! LOL! 😉
milojane says
When I do bridal sh&ots I have the brides use the wipes to get out the grass stains and dirt marks afterward. It saves having to dry clean the dress before the big day! (helpful to those on a budget!)