Nobody likes a stinky house, and these simple DIY Home Air Fresheners will make your home smell AMAZING!!
DIY Home Air Fresheners
We all love a cozy home, and scents can play a big role in that! That’s why I know you’re going to LOVE these easy DIY Home Air Fresheners to keep your home smelling great! From removing odors, freshening up, and adding lovely scents, your home is about to smell AMAZING!!!
It all started with the following question I received from frugal friend Alaina…
“My question is… how does one keep their home smelling “frugal” great, besides buying scentsy, glade, airwick, etc. Are there any homemade or DIY ways to keep it smelling good?”
That’s a great question, Alaina… and yes!
There are so many simple tricks I’ve learned over the years to freshen up and add fabulous scents to your home!
Check out my top tips for Homemade Air Fresheners + more DIY Home Air Freshener ideas from your frugal friends below.
Here’s what you need to do…
Related: 50 DIY Homemade Cleaners Recipes That Work! (Surprisingly Easy)
#1: First, Identify The Source of Stinky Odors!
The first step to freshening up your home is getting down to the source. Go through each room, take some sniffs, and think about what might be causing the odors.
Whether it’s dirty dogs, stinky boys, or carpet and curtains, don’t worry… I’ve been there and tackled it all. Once you know what the source of the stink is, you can start to address it room-by-room!
So once you have your list of stink spots… it’s time to deodorize and freshen up! Here’s what you need to do…
#2: Freshen Up Your Garbage Disposal
When it comes to smells in the kitchen, the garbage disposal can definitely be an occasional culprit!
Here are a few things I do regularly to keep my garbage disposal squeaky clean and fresh…
How to Keep Your Garbage Disposal Smelling Fresh
Melonie writes: “I dump ice cubes in my disposal, sprinkle baking soda, and add vinegar…and let it spin 🙂 It freshens the disposal and kitchen.”
Bobbi-Jean writes: “Whenever I use fresh squeezed lemon juice, I throw the rinds in my garbage disposal… it freshens up my kitchen!”
#3: Hose Out Your Kitchen Garbage Can & Use Scented Garbage Bags
Another simple little trick is to take your kitchen garbage can outside, and simply hose it out.
It’s probably been awhile since your can got a nice deep clean, and it will definitely help keep the odors in the kitchen under control.
Then… after it’s all clean and dry, consider using scented kitchen garbage bags. I buy mine in bulk from Sam’s Club, and they smell SO good! 🙂
#4: Place Baking Soda Around Your Home
Baking soda is another simple way to absorb stinky odors you may have lurking around your home.
I like to place little jars of essential-oil scented baking soda around the house to help absorb odors…
Lavender Baking Soda Air Freshener
Krystal writes: “I put baking soda in a mason jar. Pop holes in the lid and put a few drops of your favorite essential oil in the baking soda. Randomly shake and it smells the whole room. You can even sprinkle it on fabrics and carpets, and vacuum up!! It lasts FOREVER!!!”
#5: Open Up All The Windows to Air Out Your House!
Now be sure to check the pollen count on your local forecast before you do this… but on days where the pollen is low, opening up your windows and doors with screens can be such a simple way to circulate the stagnant air in your home and bring that fresh outside air in!
Even if it’s just for half an hour in the morning, this one thing will give your home a great fresh boost at the beginning of each day!
Monica writes: “I love when I can open windows to get the air flowing”
#6: Use THIS Carpet Freshener Before Vacuuming…
Carpets have a way of attracting odors and not wanting to let go, don’t they?
Well this simple little all-natural carpet freshener will keep your carpets and throw rugs smelling AMAZING…
Easy DIY Carpet Freshener
Staci writes: “Don’t know why we never did this before. It worked great.”
Sherry said: “I sprinkle baking soda mixed with cloves on my carpets before vacuuming. Takes the animal smell right out and leaves a great scent.”
#7: Then Shampoo Your Carpets Regularly!
In addition to vacuuming weekly with this DIY Carpet Freshener, I like to also make sure I’m giving my carpets a deep clean shampoo at least once a year.
You’ll be amazed at how much better they look and smell after a good ol’ steam clean session!
#8: Wash Your Curtains, Couch Blankets, Throw Pillow Covers!
These things can easily be forgotten about, but washing them regularly is such a simple way to tackle odors in the living room and bedrooms!
#9: Don’t Forget to Wash Your Bedding!
I’ve struggled with asthma since I was a teen, so unfortunately I know just how dusty bedding can get. I once had a doctor recommend I wash all of my bedding once a week.
I love that idea, but honestly when life gets busy I fall into the every other week schedule.
Either way, it’s so nice knowing the sheets and blankets are clean, and it keeps the bedroom smelling wonderful! Now once you’ve removed the source of all of those stinky odors, it’s time to start adding some lovely scents around the house!
#10: In the Spring, Try This Spring Stovetop Simmer Pot!
This cheerful springtime scent will make your home smell fabulous, and it may even remind you of the lovely Pottery Barn and Williams Sonoma store scent you love!
Rosemary Vanilla Lemon Stovetop Potpourri!
#11: In the Summer, Try This Summer Stovetop Simmer Pot!
Tracy said: “Boil some Apple peels on the stove with some cinnamon. Or Orange or Peach or any fruit that you have peeled… except bananas.” 🙂
Or for something quick and simple, try simmering 3 tbsp. Imitation Vanilla with 2 cups of Water for a lovely any day scent.
#12: In the Fall or Winter, Try This Cinnamon Spice Stovetop Simmer Pot!
Did you know it takes just 4 all-natural ingredients to make your home smell AMAZING and just like crisp Fall days and festive holiday nights?!?
Trust me, you’ll be feeling all the cozy vibes when you simmer this on your stove this week…
DIY Cinnamon Air Freshener
Christy writes: “Mama always used cinnamon and oranges simmering on the stove – better than any candle or artificial fragrance ever!”
Rhonda writes: “The simmering cinnamon is awesome!! I use it on the stove in a pot and let it simmer for a couple hours. The scent lasts for a few days, and I have animals. Only downside is when the hubby comes home from work and thinks that I have baked a pie.” 😉
Elaine writes: “Put a little pumpkin pie spice or just cinnamon in a small pot with a little water and simmer it on the back burner of the stove for awhile. Makes the house smell like apple pie baking.”
Leah writes: “During the Fall & Winter I boil cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves or all three in a small sauce pot. It smells up the whole house in no time 🙂 In Summer, I guess you could do the same with sunnier smelling items.”
#13: Burn a Homemade Scented Candle!
Scented candles have a way of making any room smell lovely, and did you know it’s actually a cinch to make your own?
You can even customize your scent blend, and control how strong of a scent you’d like! Get started with this step-by-step candle making tutorial here…
Easy Homemade Soy Candles
#14: Make Your Own Scented Reed Diffusers!
Jennifer writes: “I make my own reed diffusers by mixing 4-5 drops of essential oils into a half cup of water, and then two drops of vodka (it serves as a emulsifier).
You can get reed sticks from Michaels and just use small, cheap dollar store vases.
The oil and vodka go a long ways, so you can make a dozen of these for the price of just one at a store!”
#15: Clip a Scented Car Vent Clip Onto Your Heat-A/C Air Vents!
You know those yummy smelling Febreze Car Vent Air Fresheners?
Well, another simple hack is to clip one on to your a/c or heating vent, and allow the dreamy scent to blast out around your room!
#16: Or Add Dryer Sheets to Your Vents
Dixie writes: “I used fabric softener sheets on my floor registers. It collects dust… plus makes your home smell April fresh immediately.”
#17: Also Add Essential Oils to Your A/C Filter
Diane said: “I add a couple of drops of Essential Oil on my A/C filter… it lasts for a couple of days and the whole house smells wonderful.”
#18: Make Your Own Essential Oil Room Spray!
Jasmine DIY Essential Oil Air Freshener Spray
Not only is it a fabulous way to freshen up and deodorize any room of your home, but you can also use it in your car or anywhere you go.
Did I mention that this recipe is also totally budget friendly? Making your own air freshener spray really is so conveniently clever!
What You’ll Need:
- Small Spray Bottle
- 1/2 cup Distilled Water
- 1 tsp. Witch Hazel
- 30 drops of Jasmine Essential Oil {or more for a stronger scent}
How Do You Make Air Freshener Spray with Essential Oils?
- Add water and witch hazel to your spray bottle, then drop in desired amount of Jasmine Essential Oil Drops, and shake well.
- Allow to sit for one hour prior to using.
- When you’re ready to use… shake well again to make sure mixture is evenly distributed, then spray to freshen up your room with a pretty light scent!
Lora writes: “I did this today but with a drop of lemon, a drop of grapefruit and 2 drops of orange . It is wonderful ! My whole house smell happy and clean. Thanks for the inspiration!”
#19: Hide Scented Pine Cones and Cotton Balls Around the House!
Jewels said: “Put a few drops of Peppermint Oil on a cotton ball and hide them around the house. They will freshen it up along with keeping out rodents! You can also hide dryer fabric sheets in furniture, closets etc. to keep fresh.”
Kelli said: “Essential oils can be dabbed onto a cotton ball and tucked around the house. I use different scents for different seasons, like Lemongrass and Grapefruit… or Orange.”
Sharon said: “Perfume samples from magazines or a spritz of nice perfume on a cotton ball can be placed in discreet places for the scent… or you can use vanilla extract as well.
DIY Cinnamon Pine Cones
#20: Make an Orange Clove Pomander Ball
Sandi said: “Press cloves into the skin of an orange, all the way around. Hang them from ribbons. Smells great, even after it dries all the way up…which takes a couple of weeks.”
#21: Spray a Tissue With Your Favorite Perfume… and Place it In Your Drawer!
Another fun tip is to spray a tissue with your favorite perfume, and place it in your dresser drawer.
Every time you open your drawer, you’ll smell the lovely scent! I like to add 1 scented tissue to each drawer. 🙂
#22: Hide No-Sew Sachet Bags in Every Drawer!
Freshen up your home this week with these easy no-sew scented DIY Sachet Bags for your closet and drawers! You can even tuck them in sneakers, add them to luggage, hide them in your car, or stash them away in gym bags! Plus, they’re SO quick and easy to make!

Did you know it’s so quick and easy to make your own sachet scent bags? Freshen up your drawers and linen closets with some easy DIY Sachet Bags! That’s right… it’s time to say goodbye to those stinky drawers and closets, and say hello to a fresh burst of your favorite dreamy scent!
You can even use them to keep your car smelling amazing, add a dreamy scent to your luggage, or freshen up sneakers and gym bags!
These three easy methods will have your home smelling amazing, and they’re so quick and easy to make! Seriously… it will only take you a few minutes! You can even make extras to give away as sweet little Homemade Gifts!
So what are you waiting for? Here’s How to Make Your Own Sachets…
DIY Sachet Bags

How to Use Sachet Bags:
There are so many fantastic ways to put scented sachet bags to use, including…
- Hang in your Coat Closet
- Hide in your Sneakers
- Stash in your Linen Closet {near pillow cases and sheets}
- Place in your Sock Drawers
- Add to your Clothing Drawers
- Put in your Gym Bags
- Store in your Zipped Luggage
- Hang in your Car
- Hide in your Laundry Hamper
- The options are endless!

Now there are three main types of sachet bags I’m going to show you how to make. You can use scented beads in organza bags, dried lavender in organza bags, or scent your own rice with essential oils and tie it up quickly with some ribbon or twine in a piece of cotton. No sewing necessary!
Here’s everything you’ll need to make yours…
Sachet Bags – Supplies Needed:
- Small Organza Drawstring Bag {3×4 is what I use}
- 1/4 cup Downy Unstoppables Scented Beads OR French Dried Lavender
How Do You Make Sachet Bags With Aroma Beads or Dried Lavender?
- Simply measure out 1/4 cup of scented beads or dried lavender, and pour into your sachet bag.
- Cinch up the strings of the bag tightly, and you’re done! {I told you it was EASY!} 🙂
Rice Sachet Bags DIY – Supplies Needed:
- 9″ x 9″ piece of thin Cotton Fabric {or 3×4 cotton drawstring bag}
- 1/4 cup Uncooked Rice
- 15 drops Lavender Essential Oils
- 15 drops Vanilla Essential Oils
- 16″ piece of Twine or Narrow Ribbon

How to Make Sachet Scent Bags with Rice:
- First, you’ll want to cut a piece of fabric into a 9″ by 9″ square using fabric scissors or pinking shears
- Then add uncooked rice to small mixing bowl.
- Drop lavender and vanilla essential oils over the rice, and stir well with spoon.
- Then transfer rice to the center of your fabric square.
- Gather the fabric at the top and tie a bow with twine or a narrow ribbon, and you’re done! SO easy!
How to Refresh Sachet Bags:
For dried lavender sachet bags, I like to tuck one in each drawer, and hang one for about every 5 feet of closet space. Be sure to also give them a squeeze every few weeks to freshen up the scent again.
Rice sachet bags can be opened up and scented again with oils, and aroma beads can be tossed and replaced as the scent fades.
#23: Keep Your Shoes Smelling Fresh With These 6 Easy Tricks…
How to Keep Shoes From Smelling
#24: Stock Your Bathrooms with Poo-Pourri!
Yes I know, I know… we all have to poo, but a quick spritz of poo-pourri can magically help to trap those odors and flush them away in a flash!
Learn how to make your own poo-pourri here… it’s SO quick & easy to make!
Lavender Poo Pourri Recipe
Orange Citrus Poo Pourri Recipe
Peppermint Poo Pourri Recipe
#25: Then Add Essential Oil Drops Inside Your Toilet Paper Roll!
Another simple little hack when you go to change out your toilet paper roll is to simply add several drops of your favorite essential oil inside your TP roll.
Then, when you go to roll it, the light scent will drift out with each roll!
#26: Learn These Secrets to Keep Your Washing Machine Smelling Clean!
There’s nothing worse than a smelly washing machine. That kind of defeats the purpose, right? And it can send off some pretty awful odors in the laundry room, too!
Here’s what I do to keep my washing machine and laundry room smelling great…
How to Keep your Washing Machine Smelling Fresh (4 Easy Tips)
#27: Diffuse Cozy Blends of Essential Oils!
I absolutely love diffusing essential oils in my home… they smell AMAZING! Here are a few of my favorite blends…
Orange Creamsicle Swirl
This dreamy Orange Vanilla Diffuser Blend will have you dreaming of your favorite ice cream truck treat as a child!
The cheerful citrus matched with dreamy vanilla is such a fresh and invigorating scent!
- 5 Drops Orange
- 3 Drops Vanilla
Cinnamon Spice… and Everything Nice!
This Cinnamon Spice Essential Oil Blend will put off all the cozy Fall vibes!
- 3 Drops Orange
- 2 Drops Cassia
- 2 Drops Cloves
Candy Cane Lane
This Peppermint Essential Oil Diffuser Blend is perfect for Christmas!
- 5 Drops Peppermint
- 3 Drops Vanilla
Bonus Tips for a Clean Smelling Home…
Jeannie said: “Leave a dryer sheet between pillow & pillow case.”
Jennifer said: “Hang dryer sheets on your curtains when the windows are open, and let the breeze help to freshen your room. :))))) Or works well using a fan too.”
Crystal said: “I use dryer sheets and wipe all the furniture down with them.”
Mary said: “To keep our home smelling good in the spring and summer, I pour a cap full of softener into our swamp cooler!! It makes the entire house smell fresh and nice!!!”
Kim said: “You can also dab a bit of vanilla extract or diluted essential oil mixture onto light bulbs (while turned OFF!). When they’re turned back on, the gentle heat of the bulbs distributes the scent. This is good when you don’t want to add moisture to the air. If no one in your family is chemically-sensitive, you can dab a bit of air freshener stuff or tiny bit of perfume (a little goes a long way!) onto light bulbs.”
Sheryl said: “Put a tablespoon of vanilla in a microwave safe dish – nuke for 25 seconds and set the dish wherever you want it to smell good.”
Crissy said: “Make a small cup out of aluminum foil. Put in some vanilla (cheap vanilla works fine). Place in oven at 250 for about 15 min. Turn off oven and leave cup in oven. Smells like fresh baked cookies. Great for showing a house.”
Emily said: “I’m a coffee fanatic, so every once in a while, I’ll leave out whole coffee beans in a pretty bowl.”
Margaret said: “I use ground coffee (the coffee pot kind). It absorbs odors really well. Also, I simply put the coffee in containers and sit them around the house.”
Sharon said: “Use herbal tea bags as sachets and put one in your vacuum if it has one of those cup filters instead of the bags.”
Sarah said: “A little liquid fabric softener diluted with water in a spray bottle makes a frugal Febreeze.”
Heather said: “I use the Downey Unstopables in a spray bottle. Put 1/4 cup of Unstopables in 1 cup hot water to dissolve the beads, then fill spray bottle rest of the way up with water. Makes a 32 oz. spray bottle full of a Frugal sent!!! If you want a stronger scent, add more Unstopables to your spray bottle.”
Anjanette said: “Baking soda sprinkled in the carpet and vacuumed up is good. You can also put vinegar in a dish and let it sit out a bit if you need to absorb some stinky odors.”
Cassandra said: “Vacuum often, and spritz with vinegar… it stinks to high heaven for a couple minutes then smells fresh! Keep windows open and run a fan to circulate air, also mix a few drops of tea tree oil with water in a spritzer bottle and spray that after vacuuming. Make sure garbage cans are sealed, and keep the bunny cage cleaned regularly.” 😉
Shauna said: “I use Baking Soda a lot! I use it on my carpets, instead of spending the extra on the carpet fresh stuff I just use regular baking soda. I have 3 dogs, and it has helped! Also, I use it in my garbage disposal with vinegar”
Amanda said: “This may seem obvious, but you can find cheap scented candles in the clearance section in craft stores (AC Moore, Michael’s) or discount stores (Walmart, Target). They’ll usually be ugly colors or containers, or leftovers from the previous holiday, but no one says you need to leave them out when you’re done burning them!”
Kathleen said: “In my bathroom, I place a small cup of Fabuloso floor cleaner behind the toilet on the floor. You can’t see it, and it smells so good!”
Keri said: “I clean with vinegar and water, mixed 50/50. I also bake bread. Visitors often comment how good everything smells!”
Carrie said: “No matter what I tried, when we used to smoke, nothing could get the odor out. I washed walls and carpets when we were getting ready to sell our home and potential buyers still picked it up. I read somewhere that running an ionizer in your home worked, and when I mentioned it to a neighbor, she happened to have one. Two days and our house smelled like new construction. You can even set half an onion next to it and the next day the onion smells like NOTHING. I think you can rent them at Ace Rent-All.”
More Easy Cleaning Ideas
So are you ready for even more DIY Cleaning Inspiration? Here are even more creative ideas I know you’ll love…
50 DIY Homemade Cleaners Recipes That Work
Get ready for some serious savings with these simple DIY Homemade Cleaners Recipes and Tips!
Do YOU have any favorite DIY Home Air Fresheners tips or tricks??
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Lacey Ann says
I’m slightly “obsessed” with always making sure my home smells amazing. I use to buy all the wax melts (I’m not gonna lie- I still do if I catch them on sale somewhere… lol), I’ve tried just about everything advertised online- sprays, gels, beads… cheap ones and expensive ones. Through trial and error, I’ve found that my favorite “go-to” methods/products are:
In a spray bottle, (I’ve re-used a Fabric Refresher bottle or also just buy 1 or 2 spray bottles from the Dollar Tree) mix purified water, a couple drops of witch hazel, & a cap or 2 full of liquid fabric softener (which I personally think are one of the best smells, hands-down- especially Gain). I always shake a couple times before using it every time. Currently, there’s a small spray bottle of this in both bathrooms, on my bedside table, a mini/travel size in the truck, etc. A linen spray, air freshener, car air freshener, etc. all in one! I also like to wipe down ceiling fan blades or any sort of fan, car vents, air conditioner vents, etc with a cloth damp from a mixture of water and white vinegar (to clean) and follow with a cloth dampened with Gain liquid fabric softener. Also, I bought a cute stove-top safe dish at Goodwill a while back for .99 cents, and I often simmer distilled or purified water with about a half cup of Gain Fireworks Scent Booster, and that smells the entire house up in no time and lasts for a lot longer than you think… Just keep the burner on the very lowest setting, and of course keep an eye on it. I also love putting a few drops of a delicious smelling essential oil, perfume, body spray, or even banana or coconut extract on vents, filters, window sills that are getting lots of sunlight that day, etc. I also LOVE the smell of PineSol… And, just putting a few drops in the sink or mop bucket and adding really hot water, spreads the deliciously clean smell all through the house. I also love to put a couple drops of PineSol in each trashcan throughout the house. I place fabric softener sheets everywhere… lol… Slip a sheet in dresser drawers, the closet, your purse/luggage/beach bag, under the bathroom counter, between the bed and fitted sheet, car door, and on and on. Lol.
Max Sayer says
I am always looking for the right air freshener for my home and I really appreciated all of these ways to freshen up a home. One that stood out to me is dabbing essential oils onto a cotton ball and tucking it around the house. I think this is a really creative way to freshen up a home.
Becky says
I use my crock pot with orange and lemon peels for a clean scent. If I’m looking for a fall scent, I use dried cranberries or apple peels with a cinnamon stick or two. You should leave the lid off of it. I love it and have been enjoying testing new scents. I have found that the same scented mix can be used for 2-3 days until it needs to be replaced as long as I watch the water levels.
Cecilia says
I put dryer sheets at the bottom of my garbage cans around the house, it makes the trash a little less stinky.
Stacey says
I put a few drops of essential oil on top of the doors as well as use a cotton ball to drag down the frame so that the scent wafts when the door is being oped or closed. I do the same with screen frames when the weather is nice.
Hannah says
In our bathroom, we have a ceramic bowl with scented Epsom salts for our baths. When you leave it out it makes the whole bathroom smell fesh. Also we leave bath bom*s in the linen closet so that when you get out new sheets they smell fresh and not like a cabinet.
suzanne says
I put arm and hammer dryer sheets under my floor vents. One box at the dollar store lasts for months . And I just put a new one in the vent once a week or so.